Chaplain's Blog

Feast of St Matthew – 21st September

Matthew was a tax collector when he was called to be a follower of Jesus.

Matthew was hated by his fellow Jews because he has turned his back on his own people to work alongside and profit from working with the Romans.

By choosing to follow Jesus, Matthew turned his back on wealth and privilege.

Matthew later went on to write his Gospel, telling the world about Jesus and His teachings.

Watch the clip from ‘The Chosen’ – the show creators imagine what the calling of Matthew may have been like for him and the other disciples…

We pray for all those who feel like outsiders or who have made bad choices.

Lord, let them know that they are welcome with you and that you accept them whatever…

For those who are afraid to follow you because of how they may be viewed, give them confidence to step forward into their faith.

Like St Matthew, may we all be unafraid to proclaim Your word.


St Matthew, pray for us!