My Calendar

Events in September 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
01/09/2024(1 event)


In 2015, Pope Francis wrote a letter to everyone in the world! Here’s a 5 minute summary of it!

This is a prayer for today (1 mins 51 secs):

08/09/2024(1 event)


This is the day the Catholic Church marks the birth of Mary, the mother of Jesus – Our Lady.    St. Julie had such a devotion to Our Lady that she named the order of nuns she founded the Sisters of Notre Dame!   Notre Dame is, of course, French for Our Lady.

It’s a perfect day to sing Happy Birthday – and also to say the Hail Mary!  CLICK HERE to join in with the video doing just that!


14/09/2024(1 event)


Here’s a video (2:57) offering both information and the chance to reflect on the cross!

If you want to find out more about St. Helen(a) who reputedly found the true cross of Jesus, check out our SAINTS page!


This day, we simply close with the sign of the cross:

In the name of the Father,

and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN

16/09/2024(1 event)


Behind every great teacher is a great teaching assistant!!!!!!

Let’s celebrate the unsung heroes of learning – our teaching assistants and other learning support staff!

Make their day by saying thank you and giving them a smile!

A PRAYER FOR TODAY  (available here as a 1:24 video)

Let’s spend a few moments thinking about those who walk alongside us as we learn.

Let’s give thanks for their patience,
for their consistency,
for their compassion,
for not giving up on us,
for believing in us,
for recognising our potential,
for the time they put in,
for the efforts they make,
for their encouragement,
for their advice,
for their sheer humanity which models for us

how wonderful every human being is.

Loving God, we place our Teaching Assistants

and all who support us in your hands.

Help us to show we appreciate them

by what we say and what we do.

St. Julie: pray for us, protect us and bless us.


23/09/2024(1 event)


29/09/2024(1 event)


The Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael!

01/10/2024(2 events)

01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie’s. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here’s a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here’s a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here’s an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here’s a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We’ve all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved – and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN


Our Therese Forms are named after this saint!

Here are three videos which tell her story:





02/10/2024(2 events)

01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie’s. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here’s a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here’s a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here’s an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here’s a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We’ve all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved – and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN


03/10/2024(1 event)

01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie’s. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here’s a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here’s a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here’s an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here’s a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We’ve all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved – and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN

04/10/2024(2 events)

01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie’s. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here’s a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here’s a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here’s an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here’s a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We’ve all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved – and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN

05/10/2024(1 event)

01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie’s. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here’s a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here’s a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here’s an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here’s a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We’ve all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved – and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN

06/10/2024(1 event)

01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie’s. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here’s a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here’s a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here’s an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here’s a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We’ve all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved – and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN