My Calendar

Week of Nov 16th

  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day


    So what about the silence?



    This is one of the most famous poems of the First World War - CLICK HERE to listen to In Flanders' Fields.

    Here's how this poem came to be written:


    Lord of the nations -

    We remember with grateful hearts

    the men and women of our country

    who went forth to protect the liberty we enjoy

    but who did not return!


    Help us recognise the debt we owe them

    so that we may strive, in our own lives,

    to protect the freedoms

    that were won at so great a cost.


    And so we commit to your safekeeping

    those who have died in war;

    those whose memory we treasure;

    those who have sacrificed themselves

    in the service of humankind.


    Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord

    And let perpetual light shine upon them.

    May they rest in peace.  AMEN








  • Transgender Awareness Week

    Transgender Awareness Week

    13/11/2024 19/11/2024

    World Kindness Day

    World Kindness Day


    Love this video - it's well worth investing 5 minutes and 44 seconds to watch it!


    Now,  how about doing something about it?  There are a load of ideas below:




    Loving God,

    If I cannot be brilliant, let me be kind.

    If I cannot change the world, let me inspire just one other to do so.

    If I cannot give away riches, let me be loving.

    Let me be known for kindness, for it is the greatest glory. 

  • Transgender Awareness Week

    Transgender Awareness Week

    13/11/2024 19/11/2024

    World Diabetes Day

    World Diabetes Day


    World Diabetes Day 

    So how does having diabetes affect lives?

    CLICK HERE for a short quiz to highlight symptoms of diabetes.

    Here's a really great 6 minute video of Things Not To Say To Someone With Type 1 Diabetes



    Loving God,

    we hold before you all who are living with or are affected by diabetes

    and ask you to ease suffering and to quiet fears. 


    We give thanks for their fortitude and ability to organise

    and ask you to give them strength and encouragement.


    We pray for those researching treatments and cures,

    that they will use their skills and knowledge,

    finding the inspiration to make diabetes a thing of the past.


    We pray this in the name of the Father,

    and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.

  • Transgender Awareness Week

    Transgender Awareness Week

    13/11/2024 19/11/2024

  • Transgender Awareness Week

    Transgender Awareness Week

    13/11/2024 19/11/2024

    Anniversary of the murder of 6 Jesuits and their 2 companions in El Salvador

    Anniversary of the murder of 6 Jesuits and their 2 companions in El Salvador


    On the morning of November 16, 1989, an elite battalion of the Salvadoran Army entered the grounds of the Jesuit University of Central America, with orders to kill Father Ignacio Ellacuría—an outspoken critic of the Salvadoran military dictatorship—and leave no witnesses.

    When it was all over, the soldiers had killed six Jesuit priests, a housekeeper and her 16 year old daughter in cold blood.  The Jesuits Massacre is one of most notorious crimes of El Salvador’s 12-year civil war, which left over 75,000 people dead including most famously Archbishop (now Saint) Oscar Romero.










    God, Creator of life and human dignity,

    we celebrate the witness of your martyrs

    for faith, for peace, and for justice.

    Have mercy on the souls of these departed ones and grant them peace.

    May the memory of the Jesuits and the members of the Ramos family

    who died in El Salvador in 1989

    help us move to a deeper understanding of the demands of justice

    and guide us to speak your truth to those in power.


    Give us the courage to raise our voices for those who suffer oppression and violence.

    Grant us your joy as we work to bring your kingdom to this world. Amen.


    © Education For Justice
    International Day for Tolerance

    International Day for Tolerance


    International Day for Tolerance 

    Here's a quite wonderful video (4 mins 17 secs)

    Which of these people do you:

    • most admire?
    • most agree with?
    • most want to be like?

    Perhaps tolerance is a simple as following the teaching of Jesus to "Treat others as you'd like to be treated!"



    While the United Nations designates today an International Day for Tolerance,

    we know that you, God of all people, call us to something higher,

    to something beyond mere tolerance.

    We pray that you would enable and empower us to be people of love and compassion,

    who actively seek the good of the other and work to to that day when people from all tribes and tongues might come together in peace, embracing and delighting in our differences.




  • Transgender Awareness Week

    Transgender Awareness Week

    13/11/2024 19/11/2024