United Nations Day

United Nations Day



Here's a prayer video (0:45) for United Nations Day.







So, what do the United Nations do?   CLICK HERE for a 1:41 video answering that very question!

  • Do you think the United Nations is working well?
  • Why do you think this?
  • What are the challenges facing the UN at the moment?
  • What can each of us do, as individuals, to support the work of the UN?
  • Can you think about how the world would be different without the UN?

In 1948, the UN passed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.   CLICK HERE for a 1:41 video outlining these!



We reflect on our fellow citizens of the world;

each with amazing potential;

each with emotions;

each with the same basic needs.

We pray for all of them and resolve to work towards that day when all people of all nations will indeed be united in working for the common good.



United Nations Day

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