Remembrance Service
This year, Remembrance Day falls on Saturday 11th November, so here at St Julie’s we marked the occasion with our own Remembrance Service on Friday 10th.
This year, our service focussed on the enduring symbol of the poppy and the desperate need for peace in the world.
The 1804 Society led our readings and poetry and our Chaplaincy Prefects lay wreaths to represent each of our Houses.
As always, our students were impeccably behaved and respectful as a minute’s silence was observed.
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old,
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning
We will remember them.”

Closing prayers from our Remembrance Service:
We pray prayers of thanks:
for the sacrifice of those who have given their lives
for all that is right and just.
Loving God, we ask you to help us to live in ways that honour their memory.
Lord in your mercy – HEAR OUR PRAYER
We hold before God today
those places in the world where conflicts still continue;
where people will die this very day.
Loving God, we ask that you help us in our own lives to be peace seekers and peace makers.
Lord in your mercy – HEAR OUR PRAYER
Let our tribute today
be an acknowledgment of the dignity and worth
of each individual human being – made in your image.
Lord in your mercy – HEAR OUR PRAYER