Y7 Building the Kingdom of God

Last Friday, all Y7 students participated in a Mission day led by Fr Simon, Ellie and Lauren from Animate, the Archdiocese Youth Ministry Team.
To help Y7 settle in to life at St Julie’s the Mission Day was based on the theme ‘Building the Kingdom of God’.

Students completed a variety of group challenges to test their patience and resilience and reflected on the qualities we need to strengthen and help us grow as a school community.

For one task, Y7 displayed leadership and team work to decide roles within their groups – acknowledging the gifts and talents that their friends have.

After a treat of juice and biscuits, the final task was to design a ‘dream’ house and then to think about how different parts of a house represent the people and things we need to help build up the Kingdom of God eg. door = how can we welcome people? roof = who offers us protection and shelter?
Y7 had some fantastic responses!
Lots of smiles seem to suggest that the students enjoyed it too!
Thanks to Fr Simon, Lauren and Ellie for a great day!