St Julie’s students get gardening in Woolton Village!
On Wednesday, students from Y7 and Y9 answered Pope Francis’ call to care for our common home by putting on their gardening gloves and planting flowers in Woolton Village!
Volunteers from ‘Woolton In Bloom’ provided us with some ivy leaf geraniums which students then planted around the Woolton Cross. With a touch of ‘Brasso’ and a bit of elbow grease, the plaque was polished and the railings and surrounding area brushed down.

As we work towards achieving the CAFOD Live Simply Award, we will be working more often alongside Woolton In Bloom to play our part in caring for the local area. This way, we can understand our role as stewards of the world and live in solidarity with each other and the environment.

Did you know? The Woolton Cross is in fact the oldest man-made structure in the village! At some point in its history, the top part was lost. It was restored when Woolton was incorporated into the City of Liverpool in 1913, hence that metal strap around the middle!

Help us, God, to be ever mindful of the beauties around us. May we grow with our flowers in gentleness, patience, courage and laughter.
As we turn the brown soil and plant our seed, may we learn faith… faith in the goodness of the earth, the warmth of the sun, the fullness of the clouds.
May we be grateful for the privilege of being coworkers with God in the creation of even one tiny flower;
And grant that we may know the great joy that comes from sharing with others.
–Julie Howard Motherall
Adopted in 1985