My Calendar

Events in February 2021

  • World Cancer Day

    World Cancer Day


    This is a great video (2:15) which gives a motivational overview of cancer.   It was produced for World Cancer Day 2019 but remains relevant!


    A PRAYER FOR TODAY  (CLICK HERE for a 45 second video of this prayer)

    Loving God, we ask you to bless all whose lives are affected by cancer.


    Empower them with hope and give them opportunities

    for love and laughter each and every day.


    Give strength to their family and friends who are supporting and caring for them

    and help their medical professionals to use all their experience, wisdom and compassion.


    We ask this in your holy name! AMEN



  • International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation

    International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation


    Today is the International Day for Zero Tolerance against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

    FGM is the partial or total removal of female genitalia or other injury to the female genitalia for non medical reasons.

    In Africa alone, 100-140 million girls have undergone FGM within the 28 countries that practice FGM and about 3 million are at risk of undergoing the cut each year.

    Here's a 57 second video just to get us thinking about this issue.

    CLICK HERE for a video (5:32) of a UNICEF project relating to this.



    Loving God,

    we hold before you all who are living with the consequences of FGM.

    We pray for those working to dispel ignorance about this issue and that the truth be known.

    We pray especially for community leaders -

    that they take the side of young girls facing the prospect of FGM

    and that they will lead their communities to greater understanding

    so that this practice might be eradicated.


    We pray this in your Holy Name.  AMEN




  • World Pulses Day

    World Pulses Day


  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    International Day of Women and Girls in Science


    A Prayer for Today   (available here as a 1:00 video)


    Loving God, we thank you for the discoveries already made by women in science

    which have contributed so much to our understanding of the universe.


    We give thanks for these inspirational women who were strong enough

    to break through the barriers placed in front of them

    by society's expectations at the time.


    Help us to break through any barriers which might prevent us

    from being the best we can be.


    We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN


  • World Radio Day

    World Radio Day


  • Valentine's Day

    Valentine's Day


    So, what's that all about?

    Here's a video (3:48) explaining the history and traditions!

  • World Day of Social Justice

    World Day of Social Justice


  • International Mother Language Day

    International Mother Language Day
