My Calendar

Week of Feb 8th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
08/02/2021(1 event)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2021 28/02/2021

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)


09/02/2021(3 events)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2021 28/02/2021

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)


Safer Internet Day


In 2021, The UK is taking the theme "An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world"

Here's a 1:30 video introducing the theme:

The theme for 2020 was how can we create an internet where everyone is .....

F - fairly treated

R - represented

E - empowered

E - equal?


Here is a video (1:50) which looks at the notion of online identity.

Are you free to be you online?  Here are the thoughts of some teenagers (2:02)


A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available here as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,


We give thanks for the amazing advances in technology in recent years

brought about by the creativity and ingenuity of human beings.


Help us to use it wisely - to broaden our minds, to enhance the lives of all humanity;

and to deepen our knowledge and understanding of this wonderful universe.


We pray for governments and leaders to work to make the online world a place of safety and security

where we can communicate with and encourage each other.


We pray this in your holy name.  AMEN


Safer Internet Day


In 2021, The UK is taking the theme "An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world"

Here's a 1:30 video introducing the theme:

The theme for 2020 was how can we create an internet where everyone is .....

F - fairly treated

R - represented

E - empowered

E - equal?


Here is a video (1:50) which looks at the notion of online identity.

Are you free to be you online?  Here are the thoughts of some teenagers (2:02)


A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available here as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,


We give thanks for the amazing advances in technology in recent years

brought about by the creativity and ingenuity of human beings.


Help us to use it wisely - to broaden our minds, to enhance the lives of all humanity;

and to deepen our knowledge and understanding of this wonderful universe.


We pray for governments and leaders to work to make the online world a place of safety and security

where we can communicate with and encourage each other.


We pray this in your holy name.  AMEN


10/02/2021(1 event)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2021 28/02/2021

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)


11/02/2021(1 event)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2021 28/02/2021

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)


12/02/2021(2 events)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2021 28/02/2021

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)


13/02/2021(1 event)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2021 28/02/2021

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)


14/02/2021(1 event)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2021 28/02/2021

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)