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Week of Mar 29th
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29/03/2021(1 event) Lent So what's Lent all about? Here's some of the answer! (As a video - 3:25) Aren't we supposed to give something up? Well, yes but it doesn't have to be chocolate! Find out more in this video HERE! Don't forget to try out our Lenten Swirl!!!! 30 second video challenges! |
30/03/2021(1 event) Lent So what's Lent all about? Here's some of the answer! (As a video - 3:25) Aren't we supposed to give something up? Well, yes but it doesn't have to be chocolate! Find out more in this video HERE! Don't forget to try out our Lenten Swirl!!!! 30 second video challenges! |
31/03/2021(1 event) Lent So what's Lent all about? Here's some of the answer! (As a video - 3:25) Aren't we supposed to give something up? Well, yes but it doesn't have to be chocolate! Find out more in this video HERE! Don't forget to try out our Lenten Swirl!!!! 30 second video challenges! |