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Events in October 2024
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30/09/2024(1 event) |
01/10/2024(1 event) International Day of Older Persons International Day of Older Persons Between 2017 and 2030, the number of persons aged 60 years or over is projected to grow by 46 per cent (from 962 million to 1.4 billion) globally outnumbering youth, as well as children under the age of 10. Moreover, this increase will be the greatest and most rapid in the developing world. Population ageing is poised to become one of the most significant social transformations of the 21st century. Older people have always played a significant role in society as leaders, caretakers and custodians of tradition. Yet they are also highly vulnerable, with many falling into poverty, becoming disabled or facing discrimination. As health care improves, the population of older people is growing. Their needs are also growing, as are their contributions to the world. The International Day of Older Persons is an opportunity to highlight the important contributions that older people make to society and raise awareness of the opportunities and challenges of ageing in today’s world. Here is a beautiful video (4:14) about the mutual benefits of relationships between old and young: A 2:15 reflection on the day in video form.
A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available here in video - 2:38) God of all creation, you are timeless and beyond all ages. We who are growing old give thanks for the years you have given us – We who are growing old pray that we may be patient with our ageing limbs We who are growing old pray for good health in our later years, We who are growing old pray for prudence and sweet timing, in offering our wisdom to the next generation, while respecting their energy and creativity. We who are growing old pray that we may face our death with serenity and dignity. God of the old and young, help us to understand that we share a common life journey, We pray this in your Holy Name. AMEN |
05/10/2024(1 event) World Teachers’ Day Happy World Teachers' Day!Enjoy this really moving video (3:32) of some people reflecting on a world without teachers! Here's a reflective prayer for teachers (2:56) And you can click here for a 30 second prayer!
09/10/2024(1 event) |
10/10/2024(1 event) World Mental Health Day Here's a 75 second prayer for today.It's good to know the facts! (Note - there's no sound with this clip!) You're invited to pray for those who are feeling fragile using THIS VIDEO.Here's another short prayer (1:15) for Mental Health.A powerful reflection (devised and performed by some of our wonderful students) on asking: Are you OK? This is a 12 minute video especially for our staff - who are just amazing but who still need to look our for and after themselves in order to look out for and after their students!
11/10/2024(1 event) International Day of the Girl Child International Day of the Girl Child Here's a terrific video (2:02) from 2018: And this is from 2019:
As adolescent girls worldwide assert their power as change-makers, International Day of the Girl 2020 will focus on their demands to:
So, why is education for girls so important around the world?Here's what the World Bank says:“Investing in girls’ education may well be the highest return investment in the developing world.”TODAY - you are particularly invited to pray:that, across all faiths and cultures, women and girls would be seen as made in the image of God, with equal worth and value as men and boys; for protection of the girl child -whether that be in terms of gender selective abortion, female genital mutilation and forced marriages; for decision makers - in churches, institutions and governments - to smash the glass ceilings that prevent girls from enjoying full equality. And we ask our smiling saint - that champion of girls' education and well-being - St. Julie: pray for us, protect us and bless us.
12/10/2024(1 event) World Arthritis Day A short introduction (1:05) on the impact of arthritis:
Here's a link to the Versus Arthritis YouTube channel which has lots of short and informative films about this condition. VERSUS ARTHRITIS YOUTUBE CHANNEL Arthritis is not a condition faced just by older people. This LINK takes you to an excellent resource about young people living with arthritis!
A PRAYER FOR THIS DAY (available here as a 1:00 video) Loving God, we place before you all who are living with arthritis: we ask for your comfort when times are hard; when the pain is intense; when everyday activities are impossible;
we pray for all who care for those with arthritis; that their compassion will be a source of strength;
we pray for all who encounter people living with arthritis; that they will seek to develop their understanding and respond kindly and justly;
we pray for medical professionals - especially those researching treatments and cures; that they will be relentless in their quest to make life better for others.
We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN St. Julie: pray for us, protect us and bless. |
13/10/2024(1 event) International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction A 43 second intro to this topic: 10 Things You Should Know: A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available here as 1:30 video)Loving God, we pray for all who have suffered because of natural disasters: for those who have lost their lives so suddenly; for families changed forever by the loss of loved ones. Lord, who wept at the death of your friend, Lazarus, give them consolation and comfort. Give them strength and courage to face the challenges ahead.
Lord who walked the way of the cross, walk with those who have survived, carry their burden with them and heal traumatic memories.
Lord who fed the 5000, we ask your provision for those who have lost: their homes, livelihoods, security and hope.
Give relief agencies, decision makers and all supporting them both wisdom and timely access to the resources needed.
Help us to respond generously in prayer and practical help. We pray this in your Holy Name. AMEN |
15/10/2024(1 event) International Day of Rural Women International Day of Rural Women This day recognizes the role of rural women, including indigenous women, in enhancing agricultural and rural development, improving food security and eradicating rural poverty. Rural women and girls play a significant role in agriculture, food security and nutrition, land and natural resource management and unpaid and domestic care work. Women also collect firewood, process foodstuffs by hand, and collect water; 80% of households without piped water rely on women and girls for water collection. Rural women are at the front of the battle lines when natural resources and agriculture are threatened.
Just imagine not being able to go to school because you have to walk 5 miles to collect water for your family.Just imagine being late every day for school because you have to scavenge for firewood in increasingly far distant places.Just imagine not being able to do your homework because there is no lighting in your village.Just imagine facing the prospect as a young girl of being denied education because you have to marry someone much older than you.
AN INVITATION TO PRAYER You are invited to pray: for rural women and girls - that helpful technology and infrastructure will help them in the daily tasks they undertake for their families; for access to education where this is denied for whatever reason; for attitudes towards equality to spread and develop that all people might benefit from the riches of this world.
We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN St. Julie: pray for us, protect us and bless us.
16/10/2024(1 event) World Food Day Food - the very stuff of life! Give us this day our daily bread! You are what you eat!
Here's what the Pope tweeted on 16th October 2019! It's World Food Day and it's always uncomfortable to be reminded that children will go to sleep hungry to night! Here are just a few statistics from the Food Aid Foundation:
Have a look at this 30 second clip: It seems so big but we can do stuff. We can contribute to charities that work overseas. CAFOD springs to mind.
Don't forget too that we can contribute to the local Micah Foodbank for our local people who go hungry - often unnoticed. You might think it's all too big a problem to make a difference but change starts with the individual and it's never a bad time to do a good thing!!! God bless!
HERE'S A PRAYER VIDEO (1:15) FOR TODAY Creator God, We give thanks today for all who produce, prepare and serve food. We give thanks for their diligence in ensuring that what we eat is safe to eat. May they be rewarded fairly and feel appreciated for their efforts and expertise.
Guide us all in our food choices. Help us to consider sustainability, animal welfare and the elimination of wasteful practices.
God who provided manna from heaven, where there are hunger emergencies help us respond generously; guide decision-makers in leading just and compassionate societies where all are looked after and no-one goes hungry. We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN
17/10/2024(1 event) International Day for the Eradication of Poverty |
24/10/2024(1 event) United Nations Day
Here's a prayer video (0:45) for United Nations Day.
So, what do the United Nations do? CLICK HERE for a 1:41 video answering that very question!
In 1948, the UN passed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. CLICK HERE for a 1:41 video outlining these!
A PRAYER FOR TODAY We reflect on our fellow citizens of the world; each with amazing potential; each with emotions; each with the same basic needs. We pray for all of them and resolve to work towards that day when all people of all nations will indeed be united in working for the common good. AMEN
27/10/2024(1 event) |
31/10/2024(1 event) |
02/11/2024(1 event) International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists A brief introduction: Did you know?
A PRAYER FOR TODAY: God of truth,we give thanks this day for those who work in the media,investigating, communicating, holding people in power to account.We ask you to bless them with wisdom and strength -showering them with the sense of satisfaction that comes from a job well done!Give those who investigate crimes against journalists the courage and determination to bring perpetrators to account.We ask this in your holy name. AMEN