My Calendar

Week of Jan 27th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
24/01/2024(1 event)

International Day of Education


Do you ever really reflect on education and what it means?  Today is a day set aside by the United Nations to focus on that.  So have a great day!

Here's a short video(1:30) that you might enjoy watching!

What do you think we can learn from it?

This one is really special too (2:07).  As you watch it, try to walk in the shoes of those who are shown.



Loving God,

all children are born with a curiosity to learn about their world.

Help us to nurture that curiosity so that it never wains.

Where education is denied, inspire and empower leaders and decision makers to make it available.

Where opportunities for education are ignored, touch the hearts of those who ignore it

that they might be inspired afresh to see its relevance.

Help educators to see education as a mission, a vocation, an opportunity to transform lives

And help us never to lose our sense of purpose

to make this world a place of peace and justice where love reigns supreme.


We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  AMEN 



27/01/2024(1 event)

Holocaust Memorial Day


27th January 1945 was the day Allied Forces liberated the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp.   Each year we mark this date in memory of those who died in The Holocaust and in the genocides which have happened since.

Below are a set of resources which support this:

Irena Sendler - a remarkable story (3:30) - including a prayer

What is Holocaust Memorial Day (1:27) - a video charting HMD and genocides since The Holocaust.

An animated video of Anne Frank (3:03) - the author of a famous diary.

A multi-faith prayer (1:30) - written collaboratively by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Chief Rabbi and the Chief Iman,

Jacob's story (2:43) - a survivor's recollections

Nazi Boots (5:41) - a survivor's story

A one-minute prayer for HMD (1:00)



