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Week of Jan 25th
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27/01/2021(1 event) Holocaust Memorial Day 27th January 1945 was the day Allied Forces liberated the Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp. Each year we mark this date in memory of those who died in The Holocaust and in the genocides which have happened since. Below are a set of resources which support this: Irena Sendler - a remarkable story (3:30) - including a prayer What is Holocaust Memorial Day (1:27) - a video charting HMD and genocides since The Holocaust. An animated video of Anne Frank (3:03) - the author of a famous diary. A multi-faith prayer (1:30) - written collaboratively by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Chief Rabbi and the Chief Iman, Jacob's story (2:43) - a survivor's recollections Nazi Boots (5:41) - a survivor's story A one-minute prayer for HMD (1:00)