My Calendar

Week of Oct 18th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
14/10/2019(1 event)
15/10/2019(1 event)
16/10/2019(1 event)
17/10/2019(1 event)
18/10/2019(1 event)
19/10/2019(1 event)
20/10/2019(2 events)

One World Week

20/10/2019 27/10/2019

The theme for 2019 is:

This is an 11 minute video of Greta Thunberg - this is well worth watching!

This is a 5 minute video featuring Greta Thunberg - again well worth listening to!


A PRAYER FOR THIS WEEK   (available HERE as a 0:45 video)

Lord of all creation

We thank you for all the wonders of the universe.

We give thanks for the opportunity to come together

in One World Week

as part of the family of all humankind.


May our prayers and actions help to build a just, more equal, inclusive

and peaceful world that safeguards environmental resources

now and for future generations.

We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN

More information

World Mission Day


This is the day in the Church Year when we are reminded to live out the final words of Jesus in Matthew's Gospel.  That's a pretty awesome challenge but we start in the here and now - where we are and who we're with simply by 'treating others as we'd like to be treated' and by helping them 'live life in all its fullness.'   We take comfort from the promise that Jesus is with us always - to the end of time!


Loving God, you call us to proclaim your Good News.

Help us to respond with joy to this call.

Guide us and give us strength to follow you

in all our encounters with our fellow human beings

especially those at the margins of society

and those that suffer in mind and body.

Through our loving words and actions

may we continue to become messengers and co-creators of your Kingdom.

May the Holy Spirit inspire us

through the model of our Holy Father, Francis,

who shows us the way.
