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Week of Nov 16th
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13/11/2024(1 event) World Kindness Day Love this video - it's well worth investing 5 minutes and 44 seconds to watch it!
Now, how about doing something about it? There are a load of ideas below: CLICK HERE FOR PLENTY OF IDEAS!
CLICK HERE FOR A VIDEO PRAYER FOR TODAY Loving God, If I cannot be brilliant, let me be kind. If I cannot change the world, let me inspire just one other to do so. If I cannot give away riches, let me be loving. Let me be known for kindness, for it is the greatest glory. Amen
14/11/2024(1 event) World Diabetes Day So how does having diabetes affect lives? CLICK HERE for a short quiz to highlight symptoms of diabetes. Here's a really great 6 minute video of Things Not To Say To Someone With Type 1 Diabetes.
A PRAYER FOR TODAY Loving God, we hold before you all who are living with or are affected by diabetes and ask you to ease suffering and to quiet fears.
We give thanks for their fortitude and ability to organise and ask you to give them strength and encouragement.
We pray for those researching treatments and cures, that they will use their skills and knowledge, finding the inspiration to make diabetes a thing of the past.
We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN. |
16/11/2024(1 event) International Day for Tolerance International Day for Tolerance Here's a quite wonderful video (4 mins 17 secs) Which of these people do you:
Perhaps tolerance is a simple as following the teaching of Jesus to "Treat others as you'd like to be treated!"
A PRAYER FOR TODAY While the United Nations designates today an International Day for Tolerance, we know that you, God of all people, call us to something higher, to something beyond mere tolerance. We pray that you would enable and empower us to be people of love and compassion, who actively seek the good of the other and work to to that day when people from all tribes and tongues might come together in peace, embracing and delighting in our differences. Amen