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World Suicide Prevention Day

World Suicide Prevention Day


World Suicide Prevention Day

This is a very sensitive issue and one we often shy away from talking about.

Here’s a really special 1 minute video produced by the Samaritans which empowers all of us:

IF YOU, OR ANYONE YOU KNOW, IS STRUGGLING – there are lots of people who want to help – either in school or through the many organisations mentioned in our KEEPING SAFE SECTION.


A PRAYER FOR TODAY  (available here as a 1:25 video)

On this day especially, we celebrate the life of each person.

We acknowledge that for some, life is a heavy load of suffering and anguish.

Help us all to talk about our fears, anger, and despair.

Help us find people we can trust – among those we know, or among those who are trained to help.

Help us all to find meaning and purpose in our lives – even in the darkest, most sorrowful moments.

May we all be kind, gentle and listen without judging.


We place before you this day all who have been affected by suicide – that they be comforted in their grief, be set free from any sense of guilt and know peace once more, confident that their loved one is no longer suffering.

We pray this in your holy name. AMEN