My Calendar

Events in December 2020

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
30/11/2020(1 event)

Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare


Chemical weapons have been used for centuries.  In the 17th century, France and Germany signed an agreement NOT to use poison bullets!   In 1899, countries at the Hague Peace Conference declared they would not use projectiles which contained "asphyxiating or deleterious gases".

However, during the First World War, over 100,000 humans died and more than 1 million were wounded by the use of gas.

In the Second World War, gas was not used in combat but was used in the Holocaust Concentration Camps.

In 1997, the Chemical Weapons Convention (proposed in 1993) came into force on 29 April.  Its purpose was, “for the sake of all mankind, to exclude completely the possibility of the use of chemical weapons.”

And so, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was set up to monitor this happening.  There have undoubtedly been huge successes and OPCW Member States represent about 98% of the global population and landmass, as well as 98% of the worldwide chemical industry.   The OPCW was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for what it has done to eliminate chemical weapons.  OPCW claim to have eliminated 97% of all chemical weapons.

However, throughout the Syrian Civil War (which started in 2011) - and as recently as 2017 - chemical weapons have been used.


A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available as a 1 minute video by clicking HERE)

Loving God,

we give thanks for the progress made in eliminating chemical weapons.

We pray for those who have suffered death or injury because of them.

We pray for those who order their use

that their hearts might be transformed

to seek ways of peace.


We ask this in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace. AMEN











Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare

01/12/2020(1 event)

World AIDS Day


Here's a 2 minute video of useful information!


A PRAYER FOR THIS DAY  (available HERE as 1 minute video)

Loving God,

we are mindful this day of our sisters and brothers living with HIV and AIDS.

We ask for your healing presence on them especially the children around the world who have been left vulnerable.

We stand with those who have been rejected, abandoned or stigmatised by their condition.

And we pray for a just distribution of resources in the battle against HIV/AIDS.


We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN




World AIDS Day

02/12/2020(1 event)

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery


"Slavery - that finished ages ago, didn't it?"

Well, actually no!


  • An estimated 40.3 million people are in modern slavery, including 24.9 in forced labour and 15.4 million in forced marriage.
  • There are 5.4 victims of modern slavery for every 1,000 people in the world.
  • 1 in 4 victims of modern slavery are children.
  • Out of the 24.9 million people trapped in forced labour, 16 million people are exploited in the private sector such as domestic work, construction or agriculture; 4.8 million people in forced sexual exploitation, and 4 million people in forced labour imposed by state authorities.
  • Women and girls are disproportionately affected by forced labour, accounting for 99% of victims in the commercial sex industry, and 58% in other sectors.


Loving God,

who sees the unseen and notices the unnoticed,

help each of us to hear the Hidden Voices of those

who pray for release from slavery.

We pray for those who work to end exploitation and trafficking

that they (and we) be strengthened in resolve to free your people.

We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN


(Adapted from prayer by The Rt Revd Dr Alastair Redfern, Chair of The Clewer Initiative.)

03/12/2020(1 event)

International Day of Persons with Disabilities


A 3 minute video celebrating different abilities!

Loving God,

We pray that throughout the world, people with disabilities may be seen as people with different abilities.

May all experience dignity, acceptance of equality and self-sufficiency in their lives.

We ask that all be empowered to live free from prejudice, persecution or discrimination of any kind.

Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, may we work together to do whatever we can to achieve this.


05/12/2020(2 events)

World Soil Day



Soil erosion - what's so important about that?     Find some answers by watching this 2:11 video!



Creator God,

we thank You for soil,

one of creation's wonders that we simply take for granted.

Be with those who labour on the land,

help us all to make decisions which contribute towards nurturing and preserving it

so that the soil will continue to bear fruit

that all your children might be fed!

We pray this in your holy name. AMEN




World Soil Day 

07/12/2020(1 event)
09/12/2020(2 events)
10/12/2020(2 events)

Hanukkah - the Jewish Festival of Lights

10/12/2020 18/12/2020

Hanukkah is a festival of 8 nights and days marking the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Empire of Seleucid way back in 165 BCE.

Here's a brief summary:

And this is a contemporary re-interpretation of the Festival!


Loving God,

we give thanks for the many victories

won by light over darkness

expressed by faiths around the world.


We pray that we might all be part of the ultimate victory 

when the darkness of injustice and hate

will be forever dispelled

by the desire for justice and capacity for love

which reside in the hearts of all humanity.


Human Rights Day


Human Rights Day 

Here's a special message for Human Rights Day 2020 - a year like no other (2:09).

So what are Human Rights (2:08)?


We pray this day for all who are denied human rights.

We pray for individuals and organisations campaigning for the oppressed.

We pray for oppressors that their hearts be transformed.


Loving God, help us to be beacons of hope,

willing to speak and campaign,

to support and encourage,

to show compassion and resilience,

so that your kingdom of peace and justice be established

in this place, at this time.


Give us wisdom and courage to make the first seemingly small steps and declarations

required to make giant leaps and proclamations.


We ask this in your holy name. AMEN

11/12/2020(2 events)

Hanukkah - the Jewish Festival of Lights

10/12/2020 18/12/2020

Hanukkah is a festival of 8 nights and days marking the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Empire of Seleucid way back in 165 BCE.

Here's a brief summary:

And this is a contemporary re-interpretation of the Festival!


Loving God,

we give thanks for the many victories

won by light over darkness

expressed by faiths around the world.


We pray that we might all be part of the ultimate victory 

when the darkness of injustice and hate

will be forever dispelled

by the desire for justice and capacity for love

which reside in the hearts of all humanity.


International Mountain Day


Did you know?


So you can see that mountains are incredibly important!   However, there are problems our mountains are facing because of climate change:


A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available here as a 1 minute video.)

Creator God,

we pray for those who live on, and rely on, mountains for their livelihood.

We pray for courageous leaders who will tackle climate change at their national level.

We pledge ourselves to tackle climate change on an individual level by every day decisions that impact the world we share.


We give thanks for those who support us as we climb the mountains in our lives.

Help us to find and stay on the right path

and give us strength to keep going when the going gets tough.


We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN



International Mountain Day 

12/12/2020(3 events)

Hanukkah - the Jewish Festival of Lights

10/12/2020 18/12/2020

Hanukkah is a festival of 8 nights and days marking the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Empire of Seleucid way back in 165 BCE.

Here's a brief summary:

And this is a contemporary re-interpretation of the Festival!


Loving God,

we give thanks for the many victories

won by light over darkness

expressed by faiths around the world.


We pray that we might all be part of the ultimate victory 

when the darkness of injustice and hate

will be forever dispelled

by the desire for justice and capacity for love

which reside in the hearts of all humanity.


13/12/2020(1 event)

Hanukkah - the Jewish Festival of Lights

10/12/2020 18/12/2020

Hanukkah is a festival of 8 nights and days marking the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Empire of Seleucid way back in 165 BCE.

Here's a brief summary:

And this is a contemporary re-interpretation of the Festival!


Loving God,

we give thanks for the many victories

won by light over darkness

expressed by faiths around the world.


We pray that we might all be part of the ultimate victory 

when the darkness of injustice and hate

will be forever dispelled

by the desire for justice and capacity for love

which reside in the hearts of all humanity.


14/12/2020(1 event)

Hanukkah - the Jewish Festival of Lights

10/12/2020 18/12/2020

Hanukkah is a festival of 8 nights and days marking the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Empire of Seleucid way back in 165 BCE.

Here's a brief summary:

And this is a contemporary re-interpretation of the Festival!


Loving God,

we give thanks for the many victories

won by light over darkness

expressed by faiths around the world.


We pray that we might all be part of the ultimate victory 

when the darkness of injustice and hate

will be forever dispelled

by the desire for justice and capacity for love

which reside in the hearts of all humanity.


15/12/2020(1 event)

Hanukkah - the Jewish Festival of Lights

10/12/2020 18/12/2020

Hanukkah is a festival of 8 nights and days marking the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Empire of Seleucid way back in 165 BCE.

Here's a brief summary:

And this is a contemporary re-interpretation of the Festival!


Loving God,

we give thanks for the many victories

won by light over darkness

expressed by faiths around the world.


We pray that we might all be part of the ultimate victory 

when the darkness of injustice and hate

will be forever dispelled

by the desire for justice and capacity for love

which reside in the hearts of all humanity.


16/12/2020(1 event)

Hanukkah - the Jewish Festival of Lights

10/12/2020 18/12/2020

Hanukkah is a festival of 8 nights and days marking the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Empire of Seleucid way back in 165 BCE.

Here's a brief summary:

And this is a contemporary re-interpretation of the Festival!


Loving God,

we give thanks for the many victories

won by light over darkness

expressed by faiths around the world.


We pray that we might all be part of the ultimate victory 

when the darkness of injustice and hate

will be forever dispelled

by the desire for justice and capacity for love

which reside in the hearts of all humanity.


17/12/2020(1 event)

Hanukkah - the Jewish Festival of Lights

10/12/2020 18/12/2020

Hanukkah is a festival of 8 nights and days marking the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Empire of Seleucid way back in 165 BCE.

Here's a brief summary:

And this is a contemporary re-interpretation of the Festival!


Loving God,

we give thanks for the many victories

won by light over darkness

expressed by faiths around the world.


We pray that we might all be part of the ultimate victory 

when the darkness of injustice and hate

will be forever dispelled

by the desire for justice and capacity for love

which reside in the hearts of all humanity.


18/12/2020(3 events)

Hanukkah - the Jewish Festival of Lights

10/12/2020 18/12/2020

Hanukkah is a festival of 8 nights and days marking the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt against the Empire of Seleucid way back in 165 BCE.

Here's a brief summary:

And this is a contemporary re-interpretation of the Festival!


Loving God,

we give thanks for the many victories

won by light over darkness

expressed by faiths around the world.


We pray that we might all be part of the ultimate victory 

when the darkness of injustice and hate

will be forever dispelled

by the desire for justice and capacity for love

which reside in the hearts of all humanity.


Arabic Language Day


It's World Arabic Language Day when the international community takes a moment to appreciate Arabic and its contributions to humanity.  It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, used daily by more than 290 million people.

World Arabic Language Day is celebrated every year on 18 December since 2012. The date coincides with the day in 1973 that the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted Arabic as the sixth official language of the Organization.  Maybe you could work out the other 5!  (Answers below)

The Arabic language has given rise to developments in architecture, poetry, philosophy and song.  It gives access to an incredible variety of identities and beliefs and its history reveals the richness of its links with other languages.  Arabic has played an important role in passing on the knowledge of Greek and Roman sciences and philosophies to Renaissance Europe.  Arabic numerals form the basis of  mathematics

Classical Arabic is the liturgical (prayer) language of 1.8 BILLION followers of Islam!

Here are some English words which have come to us from Arabic:

  • in the abode of animals and birdsalbatross (al-qadus), camel (jamal), gazelle (ghazal), giraffe (zarafah), jerboa (yarbu), monkey (maymum), nacre (naqqarah), popinjay (babbagha’), and tuna (tun);
  • in the area of food and drink: alcohol (al-kuhl), apricot (al-barquq), banana (banan), caramel (qanah), cafe (qahwah),  jasmine (yasmin), lemon, lemonade and lime (laymun), mocha (mukha – port city in Yemen), orange (naranj) sugar (sukkar – borrowed by nearly every language in Europe)  and tuna (tun);
  • In the sphere of geography and navigation: admiral (amir al-bahr), canal (qanah), monsoon (mawsim), safari (safarah)
  • in home and daily life:  cable (habl), genius (jinn), hazard (al-zahr), jar (jarrah) and sofa (suffah);
  • in music and song:  guitar (qitar) and troubadour (tarab al-dar);
  • in crime (magbarah): assassin (hashashin), mafia (mu’afi) and massacre (maslakh);
  • in personal adornment: amber (‘anbar), cameo (chumahan), henna (hinna’), mask and mascara (maskharah) and sequin (sikkah);
  • in science and mathematics: almanac (al-manakh), alchemy (al-kimiya’), algebra (al-jabr),  average (‘awar), calibre (qalib), carat (qirat), chemistry (al-kimiya’) and both cipher and zero (sifr);
  • in the arena of sports: racket (rah) and tennis (tinnis);
  • in trade and commerce: cafe (qahwah), cheque (sakk),  magazine (makhzan), ream (rizmah), traffic (tafriq) and tariff (ta’rifah).


Loving God,

we give thanks for Arabic language and culture.

Help us to use their richness to inspire us

to communicate ideas and develop understanding,

building bridges between people.


So, the other official languages of the UN are: French, English, Russian Chinese and Spanish

Arabic Language Day 



International Migrants Day




Jesus, born into a migrant family, help us:
to embrace each of your children as our own brother and sister,
to welcome migrants and refugees with joy and openness,
to respond to their needs with generosity,
to give witness to your love for all people as we celebrate the many gifts they bring.

International Migrants Day

20/12/2020(1 event)

International Human Solidarity Day


Solidarity is one of the fundamental values of international relations in the 21st Century, whereby those who either suffer or benefit least - deserve help from those who benefit most.

Therefore, the UN General Assembly, convinced that the promotion of the culture of solidarity and the spirit of sharing is important for combating poverty, proclaimed 20 of December as International Human Solidarity Day. It is:

  • A day to celebrate our unity in diversity;
  • A day to remind governments to respect their commitments to international agreements;
  • A day to raise public awareness of the importance of solidarity;
  • A day to encourage debate on the ways to promote solidarity for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals including poverty eradication;
  • A day of action to encourage new initiatives for poverty eradication.


Loving  God,

give us, your one human family,

the willingness to join hands not raise fists;

and a spirit of adventure as we journey together

on the earth we all share.

Send us your spirit of hope and determination

so that we will work to alleviate human suffering

and foster kindness and justice for all.



International Human Solidarity Day 
