My Calendar

Events in April 2022

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
28/03/2022(2 events)

Women's History Month

01/03/2022 31/03/2022

Here is a global history of women's rights!  (3:27 video)

A woman who inspires me ... (3:18)

What does it mean to 'run like a girl'?  (3:18 video)

Emma Watson speaks at the UN (3:54 video)

How the suffragettes won the right to vote!  (7:09)

Some 'FIRSTS'!  (1:49)

The amazing Katherine Johnson (2:06)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (Available HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

In Women's History Month,

we give thanks for all the cherished women in our lives and in our histories:

mothers, sisters, aunties, friends and neighbours.

May women across the globe continue to be empowered, knowing the love you offer,

that a world of justice and peace be established.

We ask this in your Holy Name.



And here's a 45 second prayer for this month!

Foundation Day - the arrival of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Liverpool


How much do you actually know about St. Julie and the Sisters of Notre Dame?

Test yourself with this quiz which forms part of our countdown to our 2020 Foundation Day event!  It's out of 15!

This is a reminder that we are links in a chain (2:11) all the way back to St. Julie!

Here's a 30 second prayer to St. Julie!

Here's the Hail Mary which St. Julie and the Sisters who followed have said for more than 200 years!



29/03/2022(1 event)

Women's History Month

01/03/2022 31/03/2022

Here is a global history of women's rights!  (3:27 video)

A woman who inspires me ... (3:18)

What does it mean to 'run like a girl'?  (3:18 video)

Emma Watson speaks at the UN (3:54 video)

How the suffragettes won the right to vote!  (7:09)

Some 'FIRSTS'!  (1:49)

The amazing Katherine Johnson (2:06)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (Available HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

In Women's History Month,

we give thanks for all the cherished women in our lives and in our histories:

mothers, sisters, aunties, friends and neighbours.

May women across the globe continue to be empowered, knowing the love you offer,

that a world of justice and peace be established.

We ask this in your Holy Name.



And here's a 45 second prayer for this month!

30/03/2022(1 event)

Women's History Month

01/03/2022 31/03/2022

Here is a global history of women's rights!  (3:27 video)

A woman who inspires me ... (3:18)

What does it mean to 'run like a girl'?  (3:18 video)

Emma Watson speaks at the UN (3:54 video)

How the suffragettes won the right to vote!  (7:09)

Some 'FIRSTS'!  (1:49)

The amazing Katherine Johnson (2:06)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (Available HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

In Women's History Month,

we give thanks for all the cherished women in our lives and in our histories:

mothers, sisters, aunties, friends and neighbours.

May women across the globe continue to be empowered, knowing the love you offer,

that a world of justice and peace be established.

We ask this in your Holy Name.



And here's a 45 second prayer for this month!

31/03/2022(2 events)

Women's History Month

01/03/2022 31/03/2022

Here is a global history of women's rights!  (3:27 video)

A woman who inspires me ... (3:18)

What does it mean to 'run like a girl'?  (3:18 video)

Emma Watson speaks at the UN (3:54 video)

How the suffragettes won the right to vote!  (7:09)

Some 'FIRSTS'!  (1:49)

The amazing Katherine Johnson (2:06)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (Available HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

In Women's History Month,

we give thanks for all the cherished women in our lives and in our histories:

mothers, sisters, aunties, friends and neighbours.

May women across the globe continue to be empowered, knowing the love you offer,

that a world of justice and peace be established.

We ask this in your Holy Name.



And here's a 45 second prayer for this month!

The Sisters of Notre Dame start teaching in Liverpool (1851)


02/04/2022(1 event)

World Autism Awareness Day


A special day and here's a video about what NOT to say (3:57) to someone living with autism!

A PRAYER FOR TODAY (HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

bless all who see the world through autism,

and all who celebrate the richness of diversity.


Help us, O Lord, to see your image

reflected in all of our differences.


May we recognise the unique gifts we each have to offer the world.

We pray this in your Holy Name.  AMEN




04/04/2022(1 event)

International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action


06/04/2022(1 event)

International Day of Sport for Development and Peace


07/04/2022(1 event)

World Health Day


08/04/2022(1 event)

Anniversary of the death of St. Julie (1816)


12/04/2022(2 events)

International Day for Street Children


What might it be like living on the streets as a young person? Here are some insights from children living on the streets of Bangkok.

Here are some children sharing their experiences through their drawings:

Here's a brief introduction on behalf of a local charity:

A PRAYER FOR TODAY  (available HERE as a video)

Loving God,

we pray for all children who are living on the streets - in the UK and beyond.

We pray for all who work with children - that they use wisdom and courage in noticing and helping the vulnerable.

We pray that governments, local decision makers, uniformed services and other organisations will prioritise their safety - giving them the dignity they deserve as being made in your image.

We pray, too, for those children who are experiencing relationship problems and feel they have nowhere to go;
help them to find support - whether online or in person.

Lord Jesus - you said to let the children come to you.  Help each of us be part of finding a safe place for children where they feel safe, protected, valued and provided for.

We ask this in your holy name. AMEN

International Day of Human Space Flight


20/04/2022(1 event)

Chinese Language Day


21/04/2022(1 event)

World Creativity and Innovation Day


Set up by the UN in 2018, this is a day to be thankful for and reflect on our inherent creativity and ability as a species to innovate!

Here's a thought for the day and prayer. (2:29)



Loving God,

We give thanks for the gift of creativity we are all blessed with.

Give us open hearts and determined mindsets that we might use this gift

to bring about innovations which will benefit all of humanity

and ensure sustainability for the planet we all call home!


We pray this in your holy name. AMEN

22/04/2022(1 event)

International Mother Earth Day


A brilliant song from way back in 1974! It's well worth pondering the words - just what are Sparks trying to say?

Of course, our relationship with Mother Earth is very much influenced by our connection with Sr Dorothy Stang.
CLICK HERE FOR A VIDEO PRAYER from some of our students which is very appropriate for today.

This is a prayer from the Holy Father about the earth and our relationship with our Common Home.


23/04/2022(3 events)

Spanish Language Day


Spanish is one of six official languages of the United Nations - spoken in Spain and all over South Africa (except for Brazil).

 Here's a bit of info:


Here's the Hail Mary in Spanish to mark this day!




Traditional date for Feast of St George - patron saint of England


24/04/2022(1 event)

International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace


25/04/2022(1 event)

World Malaria Day


26/04/2022(2 events)

International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day


World Intellectual Property Day


28/04/2022(1 event)

World Day for Safety and Health at Work


This day is set aside to remind all of us of our responsibilities to do all we can to be safe and healthy at our places of work wherever they are!  We all have a role to play:

  • governments are responsible for providing appropriate laws and services - including inspections to ensure compliance;
  • employers  are responsible for ensuring that the working environment is safe and healthy;
  • workers we are responsible to work safely and to protect ourselves and not to endanger others.

CLICK HERE for a 75 second reflection on our own mission statement commitment to safety!

A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available here as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

who, on the 7th day of creation - demonstrated the importance of rest and appreciation of a job well done,

give us wisdom to know when to work and when to rest;

help us be hardworking and industrious;

while being calm and mindful of the physical and mental health of ourselves and others.

Help us to be safe in our work practices and to appreciate our own worth – as well as those we work with.  

And where difficult conversations need to take place – give us words that will result in just and compassionate outcomes.

We pray this in your holy name.  AMEN

29/04/2022(1 event)

International Dance Day


This is a lovely day to celebrate!  Humans seem to have a universal desire to dance.  It happens across all societies and it was wonderful in 2019 that we had our own flashmob dance in the Peace Garden to mark this event.   Here it is!

Here's another flashmob of joy!

 And here's a wonderful song - I HOPE YOU DANCE:


A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available here as a 1:00 video)

Creator God,

we thank you for the beauty of dance.

Help us to leap with your joy,

to stretch with your passion,

to balance with your strength

as we express our thoughts and emotions.

May our dancing always be a spirit-filled,

life-giving expression of our humanity.


We pray this in your holy name. AMEN


30/04/2022(1 event)
01/05/2022(2 events)

Traditional date for Feast of St. Joseph the Worker


A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available here as a 1:00 video)

Prayer to St. Joseph - Patron Saint of Workers

Help us to acknowledge and respect the dignity of all workers.

Help us to learn about and to care about those who

are not fairly rewarded,

not treated justly,

who work in unsafe environments.


We pray too for those who do not have the security that comes with work.


Guide us in our own work and in the work of justice we are all called to participate in.

Give us strength for the day ahead that we might do the best we can.


We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN