My Calendar

Week of Apr 24th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
20/04/2020(1 event)

Chinese Language Day


21/04/2020(1 event)

World Creativity and Innovation Day


Set up by the UN in 2018, this is a day to be thankful for and reflect on our inherent creativity and ability as a species to innovate!

Here's a thought for the day and prayer. (2:29)



Loving God,

We give thanks for the gift of creativity we are all blessed with.

Give us open hearts and determined mindsets that we might use this gift

to bring about innovations which will benefit all of humanity

and ensure sustainability for the planet we all call home!


We pray this in your holy name. AMEN

22/04/2020(1 event)

International Mother Earth Day


A brilliant song from way back in 1974! It's well worth pondering the words - just what are Sparks trying to say?

Of course, our relationship with Mother Earth is very much influenced by our connection with Sr Dorothy Stang.
CLICK HERE FOR A VIDEO PRAYER from some of our students which is very appropriate for today.

This is a prayer from the Holy Father about the earth and our relationship with our Common Home.


23/04/2020(3 events)

Spanish Language Day


Spanish is one of six official languages of the United Nations - spoken in Spain and all over South Africa (except for Brazil).

 Here's a bit of info:


Here's the Hail Mary in Spanish to mark this day!




Traditional date for Feast of St George - patron saint of England


24/04/2020(1 event)

International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace


25/04/2020(1 event)

World Malaria Day


26/04/2020(2 events)

International Chernobyl Disaster Remembrance Day


World Intellectual Property Day
