My Calendar

Week of Mar 24th

  • Feast of St Joseph

    Feast of St Joseph


    A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available as a 1:00 video HERE)

    Kindly Saint Joseph,

    foster-father and protector of Jesus,

    faithful husband of Mary,


    we place before you all who are having troubles in their family life.

    We implore you to ask Jesus to be with them in the struggles they face,

    To give them strength and wisdom,

    Patience and perseverance,

    That they might come to a resolution of love, peace and joy.

    We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son

    and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN

  • Anniversary of death of St Oscar Romero

    Anniversary of death of St Oscar Romero


    Known as the 'voice of the voiceless' in El Salvador, Archbishop Oscar Romero was assassinated as he was celebrating Mass.

    Here's a wonderful animated mini-biography (4:15).


    Lord Jesus,
    We give thanks for the life of
    Saint Oscar Romero
    who spread your message
    and struggled against injustice in El Salvador.


    Like you,
    he was a shepherd, a pastor, a brother;
    Like you, he was taken from us;
    Like you, he remains in our hearts.


    Spirit of hope, work within us,
    just as you worked
    in Saint Oscar Romero,
    so that we too may work for justice
    and spread the Good News,
    by living out the Gospel,
    in solidarity with those living in poverty.


     Jack Tunnecliffe/CAFOD

    And a hymn based on the words of Oscar Romero: