My Calendar

Week of Oct 20th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
20/10/2020(1 event)

World Statistics Day


World Statistics Day 

World Statistics Day is celebrated every 5 years on 20th October and 2020 is the 3rd WSD.

In this year, because of CoronaVirus, we have probably been more engaged with statistics than ever before.   The daily graphs and data help scientists and governments adapt their policies.  But behind every figure, there is a human story!

For example, the above shows a total of 43,155 deaths - but each of those is of a person - a human being who has lived a life which has been cut short; each is a person missed and grieved over by family and friends - lives have been ended, lives have been changed.

This day, you;re invited to pray these words given to us by Archbishop Malcolm:

God Our Father,
each person is precious to You.
You are the Giver of life.
Have mercy on us and protect us at this time,

as the coronavirus threatens health and life.
You are an ever-present Helper in time of trouble.
Watch over those who are suffering,

give strength to those who are aiding the sick

and give courage to all in this time of anxiety.
We ask this of you in the name of your Son.
Jesus Christ.


And here is another reflection - 2:50 in length - focused on the CoronaVirus pandemic. 




24/10/2020(1 event)

United Nations Day



Here's a prayer video (0:45) for United Nations Day.







So, what do the United Nations do?   CLICK HERE for a 1:41 video answering that very question!

  • Do you think the United Nations is working well?
  • Why do you think this?
  • What are the challenges facing the UN at the moment?
  • What can each of us do, as individuals, to support the work of the UN?
  • Can you think about how the world would be different without the UN?

In 1948, the UN passed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.   CLICK HERE for a 1:41 video outlining these!



We reflect on our fellow citizens of the world;

each with amazing potential;

each with emotions;

each with the same basic needs.

We pray for all of them and resolve to work towards that day when all people of all nations will indeed be united in working for the common good.



United Nations Day
