My Calendar

Week of Mar 18th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
18/03/2024(2 events)

01/03/2024 31/03/2024

Here is a global history of women’s rights!  (3:27 video)

A woman who inspires me … (3:18)

What does it mean to ‘run like a girl’?  (3:18 video)

Emma Watson speaks at the UN (3:54 video)

How the suffragettes won the right to vote!  (7:09)

Some ‘FIRSTS’!  (1:49)

The amazing Katherine Johnson (2:06)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (Available HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

In Women’s History Month,

we give thanks for all the cherished women in our lives and in our histories:

mothers, sisters, aunties, friends and neighbours.

May women across the globe continue to be empowered, knowing the love you offer,

that a world of justice and peace be established.

We ask this in your Holy Name.



And here’s a 45 second prayer for this month!


It is everyone’s job to keep other’s safe!

Please consider visiting our KEEPING SAFE page!

 This is a very moving video from Barnardo’s (3:51). Don’t forget if you, or a friend, needs help – let someone know.


REMEMBER: if you’re experiencing tough times at the moment or have in the past – it’s not your fault – tell someone!



Loving God,

we pray for all who are vulnerable to exploitation.

We pray for those who are in situations they feel they can’t get out of.

Help us to notice the signs, offer support and report cases of exploitation.

Give us courage and wisdom to intervene appropriately.

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN.


19/03/2024(1 event)

01/03/2024 31/03/2024

Here is a global history of women’s rights!  (3:27 video)

A woman who inspires me … (3:18)

What does it mean to ‘run like a girl’?  (3:18 video)

Emma Watson speaks at the UN (3:54 video)

How the suffragettes won the right to vote!  (7:09)

Some ‘FIRSTS’!  (1:49)

The amazing Katherine Johnson (2:06)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (Available HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

In Women’s History Month,

we give thanks for all the cherished women in our lives and in our histories:

mothers, sisters, aunties, friends and neighbours.

May women across the globe continue to be empowered, knowing the love you offer,

that a world of justice and peace be established.

We ask this in your Holy Name.



And here’s a 45 second prayer for this month!

20/03/2024(2 events)

01/03/2024 31/03/2024

Here is a global history of women’s rights!  (3:27 video)

A woman who inspires me … (3:18)

What does it mean to ‘run like a girl’?  (3:18 video)

Emma Watson speaks at the UN (3:54 video)

How the suffragettes won the right to vote!  (7:09)

Some ‘FIRSTS’!  (1:49)

The amazing Katherine Johnson (2:06)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (Available HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

In Women’s History Month,

we give thanks for all the cherished women in our lives and in our histories:

mothers, sisters, aunties, friends and neighbours.

May women across the globe continue to be empowered, knowing the love you offer,

that a world of justice and peace be established.

We ask this in your Holy Name.



And here’s a 45 second prayer for this month!


21/03/2024(4 events)

01/03/2024 31/03/2024

Here is a global history of women’s rights!  (3:27 video)

A woman who inspires me … (3:18)

What does it mean to ‘run like a girl’?  (3:18 video)

Emma Watson speaks at the UN (3:54 video)

How the suffragettes won the right to vote!  (7:09)

Some ‘FIRSTS’!  (1:49)

The amazing Katherine Johnson (2:06)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (Available HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

In Women’s History Month,

we give thanks for all the cherished women in our lives and in our histories:

mothers, sisters, aunties, friends and neighbours.

May women across the globe continue to be empowered, knowing the love you offer,

that a world of justice and peace be established.

We ask this in your Holy Name.



And here’s a 45 second prayer for this month!




A day to celebrate the lives and gifts of people with Down Syndrome!

Here’s a 1:59 video giving a little information!

This is an inspirational video (4:17) – Wouldn’t Change A Thing – to Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now!



Loving God,

we give thanks for the special gifts each individual has.

Help us to recognise the gifts not the limitations.

Help us to celebrate diversity of gifts.

Help us to ensure all people are treated equally.

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



22/03/2024(2 events)

01/03/2024 31/03/2024

Here is a global history of women’s rights!  (3:27 video)

A woman who inspires me … (3:18)

What does it mean to ‘run like a girl’?  (3:18 video)

Emma Watson speaks at the UN (3:54 video)

How the suffragettes won the right to vote!  (7:09)

Some ‘FIRSTS’!  (1:49)

The amazing Katherine Johnson (2:06)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (Available HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

In Women’s History Month,

we give thanks for all the cherished women in our lives and in our histories:

mothers, sisters, aunties, friends and neighbours.

May women across the globe continue to be empowered, knowing the love you offer,

that a world of justice and peace be established.

We ask this in your Holy Name.



And here’s a 45 second prayer for this month!


Here’s a beautiful reflection on water – from CAFOD! (2:11)

23/03/2024(3 events)

01/03/2024 31/03/2024

Here is a global history of women’s rights!  (3:27 video)

A woman who inspires me … (3:18)

What does it mean to ‘run like a girl’?  (3:18 video)

Emma Watson speaks at the UN (3:54 video)

How the suffragettes won the right to vote!  (7:09)

Some ‘FIRSTS’!  (1:49)

The amazing Katherine Johnson (2:06)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (Available HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

In Women’s History Month,

we give thanks for all the cherished women in our lives and in our histories:

mothers, sisters, aunties, friends and neighbours.

May women across the globe continue to be empowered, knowing the love you offer,

that a world of justice and peace be established.

We ask this in your Holy Name.



And here’s a 45 second prayer for this month!


On the anniversary of the first National Covid Lockdown, CLICK HERE TO REFLECT.  (1:30)



24/03/2024(3 events)

01/03/2024 31/03/2024

Here is a global history of women’s rights!  (3:27 video)

A woman who inspires me … (3:18)

What does it mean to ‘run like a girl’?  (3:18 video)

Emma Watson speaks at the UN (3:54 video)

How the suffragettes won the right to vote!  (7:09)

Some ‘FIRSTS’!  (1:49)

The amazing Katherine Johnson (2:06)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (Available HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

In Women’s History Month,

we give thanks for all the cherished women in our lives and in our histories:

mothers, sisters, aunties, friends and neighbours.

May women across the globe continue to be empowered, knowing the love you offer,

that a world of justice and peace be established.

We ask this in your Holy Name.



And here’s a 45 second prayer for this month!


… gross human rights violations and for the dignity of victims.
