My Calendar

Week of Mar 17th

  • Feast of St. Patrick - patron saint of Ireland

    Feast of St. Patrick - patron saint of Ireland


    Patrick is one of the most revered of saints but how much do you know about this patron saint of Ireland?

    Here's a video (3:20) giving some information and revealing the prayer he wrote!

    An Irish Blessing for this day! (0:40 video)



  • National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day

    National Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day


    It is everyone's job to keep other's safe!

    Please consider visiting our KEEPING SAFE page!

     This is a very moving video from Barnardo's (3:51). Don't forget if you, or a friend, needs help - let someone know.


    REMEMBER: if you're experiencing tough times at the moment or have in the past - it's not your fault - tell someone!



    Loving God,

    we pray for all who are vulnerable to exploitation.

    We pray for those who are in situations they feel they can't get out of.

    Help us to notice the signs, offer support and report cases of exploitation.

    Give us courage and wisdom to intervene appropriately.

    We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN.


  • Feast of St Joseph

    Feast of St Joseph


    A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available as a 1:00 video HERE)

    Kindly Saint Joseph,

    foster-father and protector of Jesus,

    faithful husband of Mary,


    we place before you all who are having troubles in their family life.

    We implore you to ask Jesus to be with them in the struggles they face,

    To give them strength and wisdom,

    Patience and perseverance,

    That they might come to a resolution of love, peace and joy.

    We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son

    and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN

  • French Language Day

    French Language Day


    International Day of Happiness

    International Day of Happiness



    This day is the perfect opportunity to think of what brings you happiness!  Our priorities may well have re-aligned because of the COVID-19 pandemic so it's good to reflect on what causes us to be happy and to give thanks - nurturing those people and things - but I'm guessing mainly people!


    Loving God,

    we give thanks for those who bring us happiness.

    We ask your blessings upon them.

    Help us to bring happiness to others

    by giving them the dignity of being loved

    and appreciated for who they are.


    Give us wisdom to notice those who are sad

    and the right words and gestures to support them.

    We ask this in your holy name. AMEN


  • International Day of Forests

    International Day of Forests


    International Day of Nowruz

    International Day of Nowruz


    World Down Syndrome Day

    World Down Syndrome Day


    A day to celebrate the lives and gifts of people with Down Syndrome!

    Here's a 1:59 video giving a little information!

    This is an inspirational video (4:17) - Wouldn't Change A Thing - to Queen's Don't Stop Me Now!



    Loving God,

    we give thanks for the special gifts each individual has.

    Help us to recognise the gifts not the limitations.

    Help us to celebrate diversity of gifts.

    Help us to ensure all people are treated equally.

    We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



  • World Water Day

    World Water Day


    Here's a beautiful reflection on water - from CAFOD! (2:11)