My Calendar

Week of Dec 11th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
11/12/2023(1 event)

International Mountain Day


Did you know?


So you can see that mountains are incredibly important!   However, there are problems our mountains are facing because of climate change:


A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available here as a 1 minute video.)

Creator God,

we pray for those who live on, and rely on, mountains for their livelihood.

We pray for courageous leaders who will tackle climate change at their national level.

We pledge ourselves to tackle climate change on an individual level by every day decisions that impact the world we share.


We give thanks for those who support us as we climb the mountains in our lives.

Help us to find and stay on the right path

and give us strength to keep going when the going gets tough.


We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN



International Mountain Day 

12/12/2023(3 events)

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe



Here's a brief introduction to Our Lady of Guadalupe


CLICK HERE FOR a summary which includes our special connection to Our Lady of Guadalupe as a Notre Dame school. (3 mins 19 secs)



Our Lady of Guadalupe,

O dark Madonna of the Americas,

Come again to bring us

the roses of compassion, justice, and peace.


In the midst of our winter,

bestow your love on all those marginalized in these lands,

and give us your gift to see dignity

in the least of those among us.

Bless all who suffer from injustice.

Shelter them in the warmth of your love

and safeguard them from evil that rages around them.

Turn our eyes and hearts to their needs

and give us courage to act for their good.

We ask this, relying on your compassion and confident of your love.


(Prayer from Education for Justice) 


