My Calendar

Week of Sep 10th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
08/09/2020(2 events)

International Literacy Day


International Literacy Day

This is such an important day. Here's a 2 minute video from UNESCO explaining why!

This next video (1:27) focuses on the challenges of living through the coronavirus pandemic if you are unable to read.


Click here for a PRAYER FOR TODAY 


Nativity (birth) of Our Lady


This is the day the Catholic Church marks the birth of Mary, the mother of Jesus - Our Lady.    St. Julie had such a devotion to Our Lady that she named the order of nuns she founded the Sisters of Notre Dame!   Notre Dame is, of course, French for Our Lady.

It's a perfect day to sing Happy Birthday - and also to say the Hail Mary!  CLICK HERE to join in with the video doing just that!


10/09/2020(1 event)

World Suicide Prevention Day


World Suicide Prevention Day

This is a very sensitive issue and one we often shy away from talking about.

Here's a really special 1 minute video produced by the Samaritans which empowers all of us:

IF YOU, OR ANYONE YOU KNOW, IS STRUGGLING - there are lots of people who want to help - either in school or through the many organisations mentioned in our KEEPING SAFE SECTION.


A PRAYER FOR TODAY  (available here as a 1:25 video)

On this day especially, we celebrate the life of each person.

We acknowledge that for some, life is a heavy load of suffering and anguish.

Help us all to talk about our fears, anger, and despair.

Help us find people we can trust – among those we know, or among those who are trained to help.

Help us all to find meaning and purpose in our lives – even in the darkest, most sorrowful moments.

May we all be kind, gentle and listen without judging.


We place before you this day all who have been affected by suicide – that they be comforted in their grief, be set free from any sense of guilt and know peace once more, confident that their loved one is no longer suffering.

We pray this in your holy name. AMEN

12/09/2020(1 event)

United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation


United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation 

In decades gone by, there was a stereotype that developing countries largely in the Southern Hemisphere could only develop through help given by richer countries from the Northern Hemisphere - many of whom had invaded and governed southern countries in colonial days gone by.

While southern countries had become politically independent of their former Imperial governors throughout the second half of the 20th century, for many years there was an assumption that they had to rely on handouts or loans from the very countries that had occupied them.    There was also an attitude that the North knew best when it came to what developing countries needed in order to become richer or more stable.

This day was instituted to bust those myths and to enhance co-operation between developing countries so that expertise in a whole host of areas could be shared effectively.   South–South cooperation has been successful in decreasing dependence on the aid programs of developed countries and a shift in the international balance of power.


Loving God,

we pray for wisdom and an ever increasing sense of solidarity between nations.

Help leaders to be generous in sharing knowledge, expertise and resources 

as we seek to build a world where no-one goes hungry

and where the vulnerable are not exploited or abandoned.

We ask for all to work towards that day

when everyone will have the dignity of being able

to support themselves sustainably.

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN


13/09/2020(1 event)

Education Sunday


This is a video (1:30) to watch, reflect on and discuss:


God of all things,

we give thanks for the chance for an education

which is denied to so many around the world

because of poverty, custom or discrimination.


Help us to appreciate the value of learning

which helps us understand the wonders of creation.

Help us to use what we learn to make life better

for ourselves and our fellow human beings.


We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN