My Calendar

Week of Nov 10th

  • International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict

    International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict


    International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict 

    A video (2:21) introducing this day!

    In the ongoing climate change catastrophe, conflicts relating to the use of natural resources, land and sheer survival are likely to increase.


    Creator God of peace,

    we pray this day for those places in the world where natural resources are destroyed in armed conflicts.

    We ask for leaders of all nations and groups not to weaponise the environment.

    We pray for dialogue to be at the heart of conflict resolution.

    We ask for your guidance in our own lives that we might be peacemakers

    for, it is in learning to resolving individual conflicts peacefully,

    that we, as a global community, can learn to resolve bigger conflicts

    without destroying our Common Home.

    We ask this in your holy name. AMEN


    This is a really interesting video (2:24) from Stanford University about climate and conflict - very thought provoking!


  • World Science Day for Peace and Development

    World Science Day for Peace and Development


    World Science Day for Peace and Development

    Here's a video (2:10) created in 2020 which outlines what World Science Day for Peace and Development is all about:



    Creator God,

    we give thanks for the wonders of creation

    which science helps us understand and appreciate.


    Give inspiration to all doing scientific research – as they search for insight and truth;

    Give determination to all who apply science - in helping us live life in all its fullness;

    Give wisdom to decision makers - that science might always be used for the betterment of all who share this Common Home.


    We pray that science be instrumental in bringing us to that day

    when we will all live in peace;

    using, conserving and sharing equitably - the resources of this planet.


    We pray this in your Holy Name. AMEN


  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day


    So what about the silence?



    This is one of the most famous poems of the First World War - CLICK HERE to listen to In Flanders' Fields.

    Here's how this poem came to be written:


    Lord of the nations -

    We remember with grateful hearts

    the men and women of our country

    who went forth to protect the liberty we enjoy

    but who did not return!


    Help us recognise the debt we owe them

    so that we may strive, in our own lives,

    to protect the freedoms

    that were won at so great a cost.


    And so we commit to your safekeeping

    those who have died in war;

    those whose memory we treasure;

    those who have sacrificed themselves

    in the service of humankind.


    Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord

    And let perpetual light shine upon them.

    May they rest in peace.  AMEN