My Calendar

Week of Apr 1st

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
30/03/2020(1 event)
31/03/2020(2 events)

The Sisters of Notre Dame start teaching in Liverpool (1851)


01/04/2020(1 event)
02/04/2020(2 events)

World Autism Awareness Day


A special day and here's a video about what NOT to say (3:57) to someone living with autism!

A PRAYER FOR TODAY (HERE as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,

bless all who see the world through autism,

and all who celebrate the richness of diversity.


Help us, O Lord, to see your image

reflected in all of our differences.


May we recognise the unique gifts we each have to offer the world.

We pray this in your Holy Name.  AMEN




03/04/2020(2 events)

Special Day of Prayer for Survivors of Sexual Abuse


04/04/2020(2 events)

International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action


05/04/2020(1 event)