My Calendar

Week of Mar 1st

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
01/03/2021(2 events)

Traditional date for the Feast of St David - patron saint of Wales


Here's a video about St David (2:34).


Loving God,

we thank you for the example of St. David,

you chose to live a simple life,

and helped others whose lives were simple

not through choice but circumstances.


Help us to consider our choices

that we may live more simply

in order to make a big difference to others.

We pray this in your Holy Name. AMEN

Zero Discrimination Day


03/03/2021(1 event)

World Wildlife Day


Here's a wonderful video (1:57) encouraging us to reflect on the wonders of creation.


This video (2:30) is from World Wildlife Day 2019 and it focuses on the oceans!


Loving God,

we give thanks for the wonders of creation,

especially the creatures with whom we share this planet.

Help us to be well informed, compassionate

and willing to act on their behalf.

We pray this in your Holy Name. AMEN 

05/03/2021(1 event)

World Book Day


A ONE MINUTE PRAYER FOR WORLD BOOK DAY (Click HERE for the video version)

Loving God, 

we thank you for all the books that we enjoy;

all the characters we encounter;

and the worlds and situations they help us explore.


Thank you for the people who write and produce them;

the people who read to us and the people who have helped us to learn to read!


We thank you for the Bible, the Torah, the Qu'ran and other Sacred Scriptures,

the writings you inspire where we can learn to live life in all its fullness.


Here's a brilliant playlist of short extracts:
