My Calendar

Week of Feb 3rd

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
03/02/2020(2 events)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2020 28/02/2020

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)


04/02/2020(3 events)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2020 28/02/2020

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)


Birthday of Rosa Parks


This is a biographical video (3:16) of Rosa Parks.

This a longer video (11:28) which is an excellent resource (part of the BBC Teach series) - well worth spending a few days of Sacred Time exploring this.


A PRAYER FOR TODAY (CLICK HERE for a 1:00 video of this prayer)

Loving God,

We give thanks for the life of Rosa Parks who sat down for justice,

so millions of others could stand up in dignity.


We are thankful for her generous spirit and quiet courage

that gave hope to so many.


She remains a role model for us,

reminding us what one person can do

to challenge injustice in a peaceful way.


We do not know what impact our words and actions may have.

But may we, like Rosa, take those small steps

that can open the way to a better world.


We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN

05/02/2020(2 events)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2020 28/02/2020

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)


06/02/2020(2 events)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2020 28/02/2020

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)


07/02/2020(2 events)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2020 28/02/2020

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)


08/02/2020(2 events)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2020 28/02/2020

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)


09/02/2020(2 events)

LGBT+ History Month

01/02/2020 28/02/2020

Here's a beautiful reading by Lois of I Rise - a poem by Maya Angelou - along with information about some LGBT+ sportspeople who have risen to overcome challenges. (3:00)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH - (as a 1:00 video)

There are some informative resources at this website:

Let's get the language right!  (Can you unscramble to letters to get the right terms - 2:15 video including an invitation to prayer.)