Daily Examen
The Daily Examen is a technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day in order to detect God’s presence and work out his direction for us.
Examen is very similar to the word ‘examination‘ and that’s really what we’re doing – examining ourselves and our day and reflecting on it.
This method is widely attributed to Ignatius Loyola in his Spiritual Exercises. One of the few rules of prayer that Ignatius made for the Jesuit order was the requirement that Jesuits practice the Examen twice daily—at noon and at the end of the day. It’s a habit that Jesuits, and many other Christians, practice to this day.
Here at St Julie’s we will add in an extra time to have this reflection – during our Sacred Time! Regardless of how our morning has been before the school bell goes, we can take time to breathe, reset and reflect on our hopes for the day.
This is a version of the five-step Daily Examen that St. Ignatius practiced.
1. Become aware of God’s presence.
2. Review the day with gratitude.
3. Pay attention to your emotions.
4. Choose one feature of the day and pray for it.
5. Look towards tomorrow.
Click on the videos below to take some time to be still and be aware of God’s presence in your life…
Morning Spiritual ‘Check-in’
Giving Thanks Morning ‘Check-in’
End of the Day Examen