St Julie’s students in Lourdes!

At the end of July, four St Julie’s students began their Summer break serving others, assisting pilgrims on the annual Liverpool Archdiocese pilgrimage to Lourdes, France.

Every year, young people from across the Archdiocese volunteer to travel to Lourdes by coach and spend the week assisting those pilgrims who are infirm or have physical challenges by taking them to Masses, services and of course, the grotto where Our Lady appeared to St Bernadette.

Lourdes is a place of physical, spiritual and emotional healing and many of the young people experience the power of Lourdes as well as the pilgrims.
For Lucy and Julia it was their second year in Lourdes and they’re already making plans to return next year!
For Cara and Daisy, it was their first experience and as you’ll see by the pictures, it looks like they had an amazing time!