What is the BIG LENT WALK?
The BIG LENT WALK is a way to get out in the fresh air and raise money at the same time to help CAFOD support those communities most in need.
Thousands of walkers from England, Wales, Scotland and beyond, will be tying up their laces and walking an incredible 200km over the 40 days of Lent to fight global poverty.
So too this Lent, the St Julie’s school community will take part in CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk.
Students will undertake a walk around the school grounds during Holy Week during one of their PE lessons and will learn about some of the amazing work CAFOD does along the way.


We simply ask that you support our students by donating to our school’s
Just Giving Page, specifically set up via CAFOD for this event.

You can access the page via the QR code below
Put your faith into action this Lent!
CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk makes it simple to put your faith into action this Lenten season by connecting with your local and global community in a meaningful way.
Whether you take part as an individual, school or parish community group, the money you raise will enable people around the world to fight poverty.
for more information about the work of CAFOD, visit