Living out ‘Laudato Si’ at school – supporting local wildlife

Here at St Julie’s, we are continuing to work towards achieving the CAFOD Live Simply Award and in doing so, we are answering Pope Francis’ call to care for creation and each other.
Our school is lucky to be surrounded by Woolton Woods which is rich in wildlife and a number of different bird species, so we are perfectly placed to learn more about how we impact the environment and can make a positive contribution to it.
This week had some fantastic advice about nesting box siting when we got a visit from Chris Tynan, the Liverpool Local Group leader for the RSPB.
Within one minute Chris identified a wood pigeon, sparrowhawk and tiny goldcrest within our site!
We’re advancing with our nesting box plans, but if you’d like to get started more quickly in birdwatching why not take part in the ‘Big Garden Birdwatch‘, the world’s largest garden wildlife survey! This takes an hour of observation and takes place between the 26th and 28th January.
Many thanks to Chris for taking the time to visit us and share his expertise.