White Ribbon Award
On Friday, we celebrated the work that St Julie’s has done in raising awareness to tackle violence against women. Whilst much has been achieved, there is still work to be done. We gathered as a community to remember all those who are affected by domestic violence and hear powerful testimonies from women who have first-hand experience of such violence.
As our plaque was revealed, we prayed for all those for whom violence is a living reality. See below the image for the words of our prayer intentions…

For the St Julie’s community…
That we can continue to campaign and raise awareness of the harsh reality of violence against women and that we can initiate a change, not only in behaviour but in attitudes and the wider culture.
For victims of abuse and all those who live in fear…
That they recognize that abuse can take many forms, not just physical, but mental, verbal and emotional as well.
May they be enlightened and given the wisdom to see when things are not right within their relationships. Where frustration and confusion exist, and even when they feel powerless or fearful -that they may be granted peace.
For those who are afraid to speak out…
That they may find the strength and words to articulate their experience and that they can be reassured that justice can be done.
For those who witness abuse, especially the young who are still learning about relationships…
That they can recognise right from wrong and have a safe space to express their emotions and can begin to heal.
For those who support victims…
That they continue to find the courage to help those who are desperate -soothe their restless hearts with hope and steady their spirits with faith.
For those who have fled abusive relationships…
That with time they can heal and forgive. Show them that, as a person, they deserve to be respected, to feel safe and valued and that their experience does not define their identity as a child of God.
For those who have died…
In particular, we remember those members of the St Julie’s community who have lost their lives as a result of abuse. We pray that their friends and families can find peace.
For those who choose to abuse others…
That their hearts be transformed so they no longer desire to control and manipulate their partners. That they will live in harmony and have perfect and constant peace within themselves, and in turn, with their partners.
For us all of us here today, so that we can advocate for change…
That our ears, eyes, and our hearts will be opened to be more aware, outreaching, and supportive to people in abusive situations, so that they won’t feel alone and know that someone cares.
We ask all of this in the name of the God who loves us, who sees us and knows us. Amen
And we ask St Julie to be with all those who are living in difficult situations
St Julie pray for them, protect them and bless them. Amen