Transition Day with Y6!
On Thursday 6th July, it was wonderful to welcome Y6 pupils who will be joining us in September!
During the day, all Y6 pupils spent some time in the chapel with our chaplain to reflect on what it means to be part of the Notre Dame family!
We talked about why the sunflower is associated with St Julie and learned about Notre Dame schools in the UK and around the world.
Pupils then had the opportunity to travel around 6 prayer stations in the chapel – each one representing a different Notre Dame Value – truth, love, hope, justice, faith and joy.
We finished with a closing prayer to mark this important new chapter in their lives before singing ‘Qu’il est bon, le bon Dieu!’ – how good the good God is!
This is what Y6 prayed for…
Loving and Caring God,
As we come to the end of our time at Primary School, we reflect on the years since we began school.
If we look back on our first days at school, everybody else in the school seemed very big.
Now, we are at the top of the school and getting ready to move on to new challenges, to a new sense of belonging, to a new identity as members of the St Julie’s community.
Bless all those who have been part of our journey so far
and all those who will soon be a part of this next chapter of our lives.
Keep us in your care, Lord, throughout the summer.
Keep us safe.
May every day of our lives be an opportunity to serve others and you.
St Julie pray for us, protect us and bless us.
See you all in September!

Year 6 were also invited to tell us
what brings them JOY!