Photo Competition Notre Dame Value: HOPE
Last month, we asked students to submit photographs that they felt conveyed the Notre Dame value of HOPE.
THANK YOU to all those who submitted an image! All entries will receive a letter of recognition.

Our winning entry on the theme of HOPE
Alexia Omar
as it represents the hope that we all have
each day to begin anew and the endless possibilities available to us.
Alexia will receive a £10 giftcard.

This entry on the theme of HOPE is from
Kelsey McGee
as it represents new beginnings and emerging from darkness.
Hope always wins.
Kelsey will receive a runner-up certificate.
Well done!

This entry on the theme of HOPE is from
Isabelle Twomey
Isabelle will receive a runner-up certificate.
Well done!
Kelsey commented on her picture:
“You can be viewed as beautiful to most, even in a time where you may not be at your best. It will just take time to flourish.”

by Alesha Hogan

by Eleanor Ashworth

by Isabelle Twomey
“Struggles can be seen as vast mountains that stretch for miles but they always get to a point where they get smaller and are eventually resolved.”

by Mr P Brooks – Everton supporters
Mr Brooks asked,
“Can I please have a special sub-section for ‘forlorn hope’?”

by Mr Alderman

by Mr Alderman
I liked this one as it is the well-being garden, where a group of students planted wildflower seeds. One, single red sunflower grew out above all the other wildflowers. Set against the backdrop of our school, a honey bee came to collect nectar, seen in the centre of the flower. Doing a small thing, with great love, as the students and staff did, can bring hope of a brighter and better future for our environment.

by Isabelle Twomey
“Even as it may seem distant,
there is always a place for you to reach.”

by Vlada Kampane

by Tilly Crawford

by Mr Alderman

by Orla Rushforth
“This image represents hope to me because I see it as: You can trap something or hide something inside yourself, like a hidden talent or part of your personality, but no matter how far you bury something about yourself inside you it’s still there and it’s still part of you, and it’s still beautiful and part of what makes you beautiful and perfect how you are. And it isn’t about how beautiful you are on the outside it’s about the beauty inside of you (inside of the fence) that shows who you truly are, and we can live in the hope that everyone will one day share their inner beauty with the world.”

by Orla Rushforth
“This image represents hope to me as with all the things happening with climate change and the likes, the beauty of nature is still shown, and is still there, which gives us hope, and a reason to keep fighting for our world and all its beauty.”