Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day


In 2021, The UK is taking the theme "An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world"

Here's a 1:30 video introducing the theme:

The theme for 2020 was how can we create an internet where everyone is .....

F - fairly treated

R - represented

E - empowered

E - equal?


Here is a video (1:50) which looks at the notion of online identity.

Are you free to be you online?  Here are the thoughts of some teenagers (2:02)


A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available here as a 1:00 video)

Loving God,


We give thanks for the amazing advances in technology in recent years

brought about by the creativity and ingenuity of human beings.


Help us to use it wisely - to broaden our minds, to enhance the lives of all humanity;

and to deepen our knowledge and understanding of this wonderful universe.


We pray for governments and leaders to work to make the online world a place of safety and security

where we can communicate with and encourage each other.


We pray this in your holy name.  AMEN


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