
Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week

16/11/2020 20/11/2020

It's Anti-Bullying Week and you can find out loads more at:



Here's a short introduction to the theme for 2020:

Have a look at this diagram - and consider where you feel you fit in - and what each character portrayed needs to do to end bullying.



A PRAYER FOR THIS WEEK (available as a video HERE)

Loving God, 

We hold before you those who live in darkness 

who choose to bully rather than befriend; 

those who attempt to intimidate rather than respect; 

those who belittle others rather than build them up; 

that their bullying hearts be transformed; 

that they will realise that their own fears, painful memories

and past hurts will not be healed by hurting others. 


We pray for those who witness bullying

that they will have the liberty of spirit to intervene and support,

directly or indirectly – by seeking help from someone they trust. 


We pray for those who are bullied

that they will find comfort, protection and an end to their suffering.  

Send them angels in whatever form to let them know it is NOT their fault,

that they are a wonder of creation – made in your image – worthy of love and respect! 


And we pray for ourselves,

that we might be vigilant, perceptive, courageous and kind in standing against bullying. 


We pray this in your holy name! AMEN 


Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week

16/11/2020 20/11/2020

It's Anti-Bullying Week and you can find out loads more at:



Here's a short introduction to the theme for 2020:

Have a look at this diagram - and consider where you feel you fit in - and what each character portrayed needs to do to end bullying.



A PRAYER FOR THIS WEEK (available as a video HERE)

Loving God, 

We hold before you those who live in darkness 

who choose to bully rather than befriend; 

those who attempt to intimidate rather than respect; 

those who belittle others rather than build them up; 

that their bullying hearts be transformed; 

that they will realise that their own fears, painful memories

and past hurts will not be healed by hurting others. 


We pray for those who witness bullying

that they will have the liberty of spirit to intervene and support,

directly or indirectly – by seeking help from someone they trust. 


We pray for those who are bullied

that they will find comfort, protection and an end to their suffering.  

Send them angels in whatever form to let them know it is NOT their fault,

that they are a wonder of creation – made in your image – worthy of love and respect! 


And we pray for ourselves,

that we might be vigilant, perceptive, courageous and kind in standing against bullying. 


We pray this in your holy name! AMEN 


Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week

16/11/2020 20/11/2020

It's Anti-Bullying Week and you can find out loads more at:



Here's a short introduction to the theme for 2020:

Have a look at this diagram - and consider where you feel you fit in - and what each character portrayed needs to do to end bullying.



A PRAYER FOR THIS WEEK (available as a video HERE)

Loving God, 

We hold before you those who live in darkness 

who choose to bully rather than befriend; 

those who attempt to intimidate rather than respect; 

those who belittle others rather than build them up; 

that their bullying hearts be transformed; 

that they will realise that their own fears, painful memories

and past hurts will not be healed by hurting others. 


We pray for those who witness bullying

that they will have the liberty of spirit to intervene and support,

directly or indirectly – by seeking help from someone they trust. 


We pray for those who are bullied

that they will find comfort, protection and an end to their suffering.  

Send them angels in whatever form to let them know it is NOT their fault,

that they are a wonder of creation – made in your image – worthy of love and respect! 


And we pray for ourselves,

that we might be vigilant, perceptive, courageous and kind in standing against bullying. 


We pray this in your holy name! AMEN 


Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week

16/11/2020 20/11/2020

It's Anti-Bullying Week and you can find out loads more at:



Here's a short introduction to the theme for 2020:

Have a look at this diagram - and consider where you feel you fit in - and what each character portrayed needs to do to end bullying.



A PRAYER FOR THIS WEEK (available as a video HERE)

Loving God, 

We hold before you those who live in darkness 

who choose to bully rather than befriend; 

those who attempt to intimidate rather than respect; 

those who belittle others rather than build them up; 

that their bullying hearts be transformed; 

that they will realise that their own fears, painful memories

and past hurts will not be healed by hurting others. 


We pray for those who witness bullying

that they will have the liberty of spirit to intervene and support,

directly or indirectly – by seeking help from someone they trust. 


We pray for those who are bullied

that they will find comfort, protection and an end to their suffering.  

Send them angels in whatever form to let them know it is NOT their fault,

that they are a wonder of creation – made in your image – worthy of love and respect! 


And we pray for ourselves,

that we might be vigilant, perceptive, courageous and kind in standing against bullying. 


We pray this in your holy name! AMEN 


Children's Grief Awareness Week

Children's Grief Awareness Week

19/11/2020 25/11/2020

Grief is something we all experience at some point in our lives. While no two people react in exactly the same way, there is much to learn from hearing about others' experiences and sharing our own when we feel able to.

If you are grieving and want to talk to someone, do approach someone you trust.
If someone who is grieving approaches you, don't worry - you won't make it worse. The worst has already happened. If they want to talk, just listen.

Here are some reflections on what it can be like to lose someone.

This is a video which you might find helpful:



Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. AMEN




Jesus, healer and teacher,  

you know what it is like to lose someone you love and you wept for your friend, Lazarus.

Help me make sense of what is happening,

because some days I feel angry, some days I feel lost,

some days I feel helpless, some days I don't feel at all.

Send me comfort and people to walk with me.


Help me through this pain,

and let treasured memories sustain me.

Help me to have faith that my loved one is now with you,

free from pain and worry.


Help others who are grieving this same loss.


I ask this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.



Anti-Bullying Week

Anti-Bullying Week

16/11/2020 20/11/2020

It's Anti-Bullying Week and you can find out loads more at:



Here's a short introduction to the theme for 2020:

Have a look at this diagram - and consider where you feel you fit in - and what each character portrayed needs to do to end bullying.



A PRAYER FOR THIS WEEK (available as a video HERE)

Loving God, 

We hold before you those who live in darkness 

who choose to bully rather than befriend; 

those who attempt to intimidate rather than respect; 

those who belittle others rather than build them up; 

that their bullying hearts be transformed; 

that they will realise that their own fears, painful memories

and past hurts will not be healed by hurting others. 


We pray for those who witness bullying

that they will have the liberty of spirit to intervene and support,

directly or indirectly – by seeking help from someone they trust. 


We pray for those who are bullied

that they will find comfort, protection and an end to their suffering.  

Send them angels in whatever form to let them know it is NOT their fault,

that they are a wonder of creation – made in your image – worthy of love and respect! 


And we pray for ourselves,

that we might be vigilant, perceptive, courageous and kind in standing against bullying. 


We pray this in your holy name! AMEN 


Children's Grief Awareness Week

Children's Grief Awareness Week

19/11/2020 25/11/2020

Grief is something we all experience at some point in our lives. While no two people react in exactly the same way, there is much to learn from hearing about others' experiences and sharing our own when we feel able to.

If you are grieving and want to talk to someone, do approach someone you trust.
If someone who is grieving approaches you, don't worry - you won't make it worse. The worst has already happened. If they want to talk, just listen.

Here are some reflections on what it can be like to lose someone.

This is a video which you might find helpful:



Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. AMEN




Jesus, healer and teacher,  

you know what it is like to lose someone you love and you wept for your friend, Lazarus.

Help me make sense of what is happening,

because some days I feel angry, some days I feel lost,

some days I feel helpless, some days I don't feel at all.

Send me comfort and people to walk with me.


Help me through this pain,

and let treasured memories sustain me.

Help me to have faith that my loved one is now with you,

free from pain and worry.


Help others who are grieving this same loss.


I ask this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.



Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender Day of Remembrance


World Children’s Day

World Children’s Day


Welcome to World Children's Day!   This used to be called Universal Children's Day but the day has been re-branded!

This day was set up in 1954 by the United Nations.   In 1959, the UN agreed its Declaration on the Rights of the Child.  In 1989 the Convention on the Rights of the Child became the most widely ratified international human rights treaty, setting out a number of children’s rights including:

  • the right to life,
  • to health,
  • to education
  • to play,
  • to family life,
  • to be protected from violence,
  • to not be discriminated,
  • and to have their views heard.

Here's a short but brilliant video (1 min 17 secs) from the children of Yemen!


Here's another video clip (2 mins 54 secs)  which gives a bit more information and which includes one particularly surprising fact about a country which does not give its children the same rights as others around the world!


A PRAYER FOR TODAY (available here as a 1:00 minute video)

Loving God,

Jesus said "Let the children come to me"

and so we pray for children around the world,

that they will feel loved, valued, cared for and encouraged.


We pray for adults that they will enable children

to enjoy a childhood they can look back on happily.


We pray too that all of us acknowledge each other - whatever our differences -   

as children made in your image,

who deserve to be treated with dignity and love.


We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN



World Children's Day

Children's Grief Awareness Week

Children's Grief Awareness Week

19/11/2020 25/11/2020

Grief is something we all experience at some point in our lives. While no two people react in exactly the same way, there is much to learn from hearing about others' experiences and sharing our own when we feel able to.

If you are grieving and want to talk to someone, do approach someone you trust.
If someone who is grieving approaches you, don't worry - you won't make it worse. The worst has already happened. If they want to talk, just listen.

Here are some reflections on what it can be like to lose someone.

This is a video which you might find helpful:



Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. AMEN




Jesus, healer and teacher,  

you know what it is like to lose someone you love and you wept for your friend, Lazarus.

Help me make sense of what is happening,

because some days I feel angry, some days I feel lost,

some days I feel helpless, some days I don't feel at all.

Send me comfort and people to walk with me.


Help me through this pain,

and let treasured memories sustain me.

Help me to have faith that my loved one is now with you,

free from pain and worry.


Help others who are grieving this same loss.


I ask this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.



Children's Grief Awareness Week

Children's Grief Awareness Week

19/11/2020 25/11/2020

Grief is something we all experience at some point in our lives. While no two people react in exactly the same way, there is much to learn from hearing about others' experiences and sharing our own when we feel able to.

If you are grieving and want to talk to someone, do approach someone you trust.
If someone who is grieving approaches you, don't worry - you won't make it worse. The worst has already happened. If they want to talk, just listen.

Here are some reflections on what it can be like to lose someone.

This is a video which you might find helpful:



Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. AMEN




Jesus, healer and teacher,  

you know what it is like to lose someone you love and you wept for your friend, Lazarus.

Help me make sense of what is happening,

because some days I feel angry, some days I feel lost,

some days I feel helpless, some days I don't feel at all.

Send me comfort and people to walk with me.


Help me through this pain,

and let treasured memories sustain me.

Help me to have faith that my loved one is now with you,

free from pain and worry.


Help others who are grieving this same loss.


I ask this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.



Children's Grief Awareness Week

Children's Grief Awareness Week

19/11/2020 25/11/2020

Grief is something we all experience at some point in our lives. While no two people react in exactly the same way, there is much to learn from hearing about others' experiences and sharing our own when we feel able to.

If you are grieving and want to talk to someone, do approach someone you trust.
If someone who is grieving approaches you, don't worry - you won't make it worse. The worst has already happened. If they want to talk, just listen.

Here are some reflections on what it can be like to lose someone.

This is a video which you might find helpful:



Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. AMEN




Jesus, healer and teacher,  

you know what it is like to lose someone you love and you wept for your friend, Lazarus.

Help me make sense of what is happening,

because some days I feel angry, some days I feel lost,

some days I feel helpless, some days I don't feel at all.

Send me comfort and people to walk with me.


Help me through this pain,

and let treasured memories sustain me.

Help me to have faith that my loved one is now with you,

free from pain and worry.


Help others who are grieving this same loss.


I ask this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.



Children's Grief Awareness Week

Children's Grief Awareness Week

19/11/2020 25/11/2020

Grief is something we all experience at some point in our lives. While no two people react in exactly the same way, there is much to learn from hearing about others' experiences and sharing our own when we feel able to.

If you are grieving and want to talk to someone, do approach someone you trust.
If someone who is grieving approaches you, don't worry - you won't make it worse. The worst has already happened. If they want to talk, just listen.

Here are some reflections on what it can be like to lose someone.

This is a video which you might find helpful:



Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. AMEN




Jesus, healer and teacher,  

you know what it is like to lose someone you love and you wept for your friend, Lazarus.

Help me make sense of what is happening,

because some days I feel angry, some days I feel lost,

some days I feel helpless, some days I don't feel at all.

Send me comfort and people to walk with me.


Help me through this pain,

and let treasured memories sustain me.

Help me to have faith that my loved one is now with you,

free from pain and worry.


Help others who are grieving this same loss.


I ask this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.



Children's Grief Awareness Week

Children's Grief Awareness Week

19/11/2020 25/11/2020

Grief is something we all experience at some point in our lives. While no two people react in exactly the same way, there is much to learn from hearing about others' experiences and sharing our own when we feel able to.

If you are grieving and want to talk to someone, do approach someone you trust.
If someone who is grieving approaches you, don't worry - you won't make it worse. The worst has already happened. If they want to talk, just listen.

Here are some reflections on what it can be like to lose someone.

This is a video which you might find helpful:



Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace. AMEN




Jesus, healer and teacher,  

you know what it is like to lose someone you love and you wept for your friend, Lazarus.

Help me make sense of what is happening,

because some days I feel angry, some days I feel lost,

some days I feel helpless, some days I don't feel at all.

Send me comfort and people to walk with me.


Help me through this pain,

and let treasured memories sustain me.

Help me to have faith that my loved one is now with you,

free from pain and worry.


Help others who are grieving this same loss.


I ask this in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.



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