


01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction


International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 

A 43 second intro to this topic:

10 Things You Should Know:

A PRAYER FOR TODAY  (available here as 1:30 video)

Loving God, we pray for all who have suffered because of natural disasters:

for those who have lost their lives so suddenly;

for families changed forever by the loss of loved ones.

Lord, who wept at the death of your friend, Lazarus,

give them consolation and comfort.

Give them strength and courage to face the challenges ahead.


Lord who walked the way of the cross,

walk with those who have survived,

carry their burden with them and heal traumatic memories. 


Lord who fed the 5000,

we ask your provision for those who have lost:

their homes, livelihoods, security and hope.


Give relief agencies, decision makers and all supporting them

both wisdom and timely access to the resources needed.


Help us to respond generously in prayer and practical help.

We pray this in your Holy Name.  AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN



01/10/2024 31/10/2024

Welcome to Black History Month at St. Julie's. We hope conversations might be started that continue long after the end of October.

Here's a short intro (1:16) for 2020:

A prayerful reflection (3:55) focusing on a conversation between a person and God:

So how much do we know of Black History? Here's a video (7:46) that might, unfortunately, be surprising.

The last video referred to 1919. So, what was that all about? Our city is significantly involved. Find out more (5:37)
N.B. This video comes with a warning about language used.

1919 was the year after the First World War. Here's an important perspective on that conflict (6:17) which is not often explored.

So, that was very definitely history! What about today and most particularly education today? Here's a BBC report (12:28) about what it is to be black and at Cambridge University.


We've all probably heard of Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott but have you heard about the Bristol Bus Boycott?    (Find out more below.)

A PRAYER FOR THIS MONTH (available here as a one minute video)

Loving God,

Help us deepen our understanding, appreciation and experience of living as one people – all made in your image – all sharing a common home.

In this special month and beyond, give us courage to ask questions of ourselves and others – even if those questions and responses make us uncomfortable.

Help us move beyond the complicity of silence which allows injustice to continue.  Help us not be party to postponing that day when all of your people will feel valued and loved - and that we arrive together at the awesome moment when there will be no them – only US!

We ask this in your Holy Name. AMEN

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