My Calendar

Week of Nov 1st

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
02/11/2021(1 event)

International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists


International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists 

A brief introduction:

Did you know?

  • 495 journalists were killed between 2014 and 2018, an 18% increase over the previous 5-years.
  • Only 131 cases of journalists’ killings are reported as being resolved since 2006, representing an overall impunity rate of 88%.
  • Beyond fatal attacks, journalists endured other violations such as physical attack, kidnapping, enforced disappearance, imprisonment and torture.
  • Harassment and other harmful acts are increasingly prevalent in the online sphere, and are especially dire for women journalists.
  • Syria was the most dangerous country for journalists, followed by Mexico and Afghanistan.
  • The Arab States region, Latin America and the Caribbean, and Asia and the Pacific account for more than three quarters of killings.      Source: UNESCO 2019


God of truth,

we give thanks this day for those who work in the media,

investigating, communicating, holding people in power to account.

We ask you to bless them with wisdom and strength -

showering them with the sense of satisfaction that comes from a job well done!

Give those who investigate crimes against journalists the courage and determination to bring perpetrators to account.

We ask this in your holy name. AMEN






05/11/2021(2 events)
06/11/2021(1 event)

International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict


International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict 

A video (2:21) introducing this day!

In the ongoing climate change catastrophe, conflicts relating to the use of natural resources, land and sheer survival are likely to increase.


Creator God of peace,

we pray this day for those places in the world where natural resources are destroyed in armed conflicts.

We ask for leaders of all nations and groups not to weaponise the environment.

We pray for dialogue to be at the heart of conflict resolution.

We ask for your guidance in our own lives that we might be peacemakers

for, it is in learning to resolving individual conflicts peacefully,

that we, as a global community, can learn to resolve bigger conflicts

without destroying our Common Home.

We ask this in your holy name. AMEN


This is a really interesting video (2:24) from Stanford University about climate and conflict - very thought provoking!

