My Calendar

Week of Nov 17th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
16/11/2020(2 events)

Transgender Awareness Week

13/11/2020 19/11/2020

Anniversary of the murder of 6 Jesuits and their 2 companions in El Salvador


On the morning of November 16, 1989, an elite battalion of the Salvadoran Army entered the grounds of the Jesuit University of Central America, with orders to kill Father Ignacio Ellacuría—an outspoken critic of the Salvadoran military dictatorship—and leave no witnesses.

When it was all over, the soldiers had killed six Jesuit priests, a housekeeper and her 16 year old daughter in cold blood.  The Jesuits Massacre is one of most notorious crimes of El Salvador’s 12-year civil war, which left over 75,000 people dead including most famously Archbishop (now Saint) Oscar Romero.










God, Creator of life and human dignity,

we celebrate the witness of your martyrs

for faith, for peace, and for justice.

Have mercy on the souls of these departed ones and grant them peace.

May the memory of the Jesuits and the members of the Ramos family

who died in El Salvador in 1989

help us move to a deeper understanding of the demands of justice

and guide us to speak your truth to those in power.


Give us the courage to raise our voices for those who suffer oppression and violence.

Grant us your joy as we work to bring your kingdom to this world. Amen.


© Education For Justice
17/11/2020(1 event)

Transgender Awareness Week

13/11/2020 19/11/2020

18/11/2020(1 event)

Transgender Awareness Week

13/11/2020 19/11/2020

19/11/2020(1 event)

Transgender Awareness Week

13/11/2020 19/11/2020

20/11/2020(1 event)

Transgender Day of Remembrance


22/11/2020(3 events)

Feast of Christ the King


Feast of St. Cecilia - patron saint of music



The patron saint of musicians!   Who's your favourite?

Here's a mini-bio of St. Cecilia (2 mins 20 secs).



Loving God,

we thank you for the gift of music.

Help us find our own voice that we might express ourselves with truth, joy and passion.

We pray this in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. AMEN

Youth Day


The next world gathering for World Youth Day is in 2023 in Lisbon! Hear some words of the Holy Father, Pope Francis directed at young people!